
Any character has the following options for selecting a phobia.

  1. Roll 1d100 against the Common and Strength table below
  2. Select a phobia from the table below


1d10 Strength Effects
1 - 4 Minor Willpower check at 1/4 PSF% +5
5 - 7 Major Willpower check at 1/2 PSF% +10
8 - 9 Severe Willpower check at 1/4 PSF% +13
0 Crippling Willpower check with 0 PSF% +17


1d100 Phobia Definition
01 - 02 Ablutophobia Fear of bathing or washing
03 - 05 Acrophobia Fear of heights
06 Agoraphobia Fear of open and public spaces
07 - 08 Algophobia Fear of pain
09 - 10 Ailurophobia Fear of felines
11 - 12 Androphobia Fear of men
13 Ankylophobia Fear of immobility
14 - 15 Arachnophobia Fear of spiders
16 - 17 Astrophobia Fear of Thunder & Lightning
18 - 19 Atelophobia Fear of imperfections
20 Athazagoraphobia Fear of being ignored or forgotten
21 Autophobia Fear of being alone
22 Batrachophobia Fear of amphibians
23 Bibliophobia Fear of books and scrolls
24 - 25 Bogyphobia Fear of monsters
26 Chorophobia Fear of dancing
27 - 29 Claustrophobia Fear of close spaces
30 - 31 Coimetrophobia Fear of burial sites
32 Coulrophobia Fear of minstrels, entertainers, and fools
33 - 34 Cynophobia Fear of canines
35 Daemonophobia Fear of demons
36 Demophobia Fear of large crowds
37 Entomophobia Fear of insects
38 Equinophobia Fear of equines
39 Gamophobia Fear of marriage or commitment
40 - 42 Glossophobia Fear of speaking in public
43 - 44 Gynophobia Fear of women
45 - 46 Hamartophobia Fear of committing sin
47 Heliophobia Fear of sunlight
48 - 49 Haemophobia Fear of blood
50 - 52 Hydrophobia Fear of water
53 - 54 Illyngophobia Fear of looking down (vertigo)
55 Katagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed
56 Kronophobia Fear of aging
57 Limnophobia Fear of lakes or large bodies of water
58 Merinthophobia Fear of being bound or tied
59 - 60 Musophobia Fear of rodents
61 Methyphobia Fear of alcohol
62 - 63 Necrophobia Fear of the dead/undead
64 Neophobia Fear of new things, ideas, or changes
65 - 66 Nosemaphobia Fear of sickness or becoming ill
67 Nyctophobia Fear of darkness & night
68 Ornithophobia Fear of avians
69 - 70 Orphidophobia Fear of reptiles
71 - 72 Pathophobia Fear of disease
73 Pharmacophobia Fear of medicine and herbs
74 - 76 Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts & spirits
77 Potamophobia Fear or rivers or running water
78 - 80 Rhabdophobia Fear of magic
81 - 81 Scelerophibia Fear of thieves
83 Sciophobia Fear of shadows
84 Soteriophobia Fear of being dependent upon others
85 Symbolophobia Fear of symbols or symbolism
86 Taphophobia Fear of being buried alive or underground
87 Thanophobia Fear of personal death
88 Theophobia Fear of religion
89 Toxicophobia Fear of poisons & toxins
90 Traumatophobia Fear of becoming injured
91 - 93 Xenophobia Fear of strangers
94 Zoophobia Fear of large animals
95 - 00 Roll against Rare list below


1d100 Phobia Definition
01 - 02 Atephobia Fear of ruins
03 - 05 Atychiphobia Fear of failure
06 - 07 Aurophobia Fear of precious metals
08 - 09 Automatonophobia Fear of humanoid statues
10 - 11 Bromhidrosiphobia Fear of body odor
12 - 13 Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors or reflections
14 - 15 Chaetophobia Fear of hair and fur
16 - 17 Coitophobia Fear of sex
18 - 20 Cryophobia Fear of the cold
21 - 22 Dendrophobia Fear of trees
23 - 24 Dikephobia Fear of justice or the law
25 - 26 Domatophobia Fear of being inside of a home or structure
27 - 29 Ecclesiophobia Fear of church
30 - 31 Eleutherophobia Fear of freedom
32 - 33 Eosophobia Fear of dawn or daylight
34 - 35 Epistemphobia Fear of knowledge or educated people
36 - 37 Florophobia Fear of some plants/flowers
38 - 39 Gephyrophobia Fear of bridges
40 - 42 Hadephobia Fear of the infernal
43 - 45 Hagiophobia Fear of the divine
46 - 47 Heptaphobia Fear of being touched by anyone
48 - 49 Hypnophobia Fear of sleeping/dreaming
50 - 51 Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables
52 - 53 Lyssophobia Fear of insanity or madness
54 - 55 Melophobia Fear of music
56 - 57 Metallophobia Fear of metal
58 - 59 Mysophobia Fear of being contaminated by dirt
60 - 61 Olfactophobia Fear of strong smells
62 - 64 Ombrophobia Fear of the rain
65 - 67 Ouranophobia Fear of the cosmos
68 - 69 Pedophobia Fear of children
70 - 71 Peniaphobioa Fear of poverty
72 - 73 Photophobia Fear of intense light
74 - 75 Plutophobia Fear or wealth or material goods
76 - 78 Pnigophobia Fear of being choked or smothered
79 - 81 Pyrophobia Fear of fire
82 - 84 Selenophobia Fear of the moon
85 - 86 Seplophobia Fear of decaying matter
87 - 88 Sitiophobia Fear of food
89 - 90 Sociophobia Fear of society
91 - 92 Teleophobia Fear of ceremonies
93 - 94 Vestiphobia Fear of clothing
95 - 00 <culture>phobia Fear of a specific culture and its people