

Consort none
Issue none
Full Name unknown
House unknown
Father unknown
Mother unknown
Born dd mmm yyyy
Religion unknown
Race Human (unknown)
Sex Female (unknown)

Raven, or The Raven as he is sometimes called, is a thief of extraordinary skill that lives somewhere in the Western Realms. He has been tied to some of the most legendary thefts by his token, a raven feather, that he leaves at the scene of each theft. Many people believe that Raven is actually several thieves working together due to fact that he has been rumored to be hundreds of miles apart at the same time. Other legends say that you can hire Raven if you have enough money, but anyone that would do so it would be unwise to mention that fact as very powerful people have had their treasured possessions filched by this audacious thief.

The Legend

All of this background is conjecture that has been assembled by me from snippets of street lore. I believe the Raven grew up on the streets of Apolia in the central part of Irill. Apolia was a large city spread across the trade route that would see a great deal of merchants pass through. This made the marketplace a prime hunting ground for thieves and cutpurses. Once such cutpurse would eventually be dubbed: The Raven.

That day the young lad picked the wrong mark. Instead of cutting a fat merchantman's wallet, he instead cut the purse of a master thief named Colin. Colin gave the lad a merry chase and when he thought he lost the old man, the boy returned to his hole to examine his luck. However, Colin was waiting for him inside. In exchange for returning his purse, Colin brought the young lad under his wing as an apprentice.

The boy quickly grew to manhood and with more talent that Colin was soon his master's equal. It is well-known that two great thieves can't work together for too long so the boy was looking to head out on his own. After a few jobs without Colin's approval it is known they got into a fierce arguement. However, before things could settle down a few thugs attacked the two thieves. Nobody knows why although everyone suspects that the new boy, by then dubbed The Raven by the locals, had robbed the wrong person. Well, that mistake cost Colin his life. Many in the Ways mourned Colin's death for he was a favorite among the beggers and urchins.

It was believed that the Raven died as well, for his body was never recovered. However, on the first year anniversary of Colin's death a series of bold breakins were staged by someone wearing a black costume used by the Raven. Also of note, the three thugs that killed Colin were all found dead — their throats slit while they were drinking. Now the legend of the Raven fly high and it is he that is well-remembered among those who work the markets and alleys for an easy mark. Appearance

The Raven's appearance changes greatly depending on the person doing the storytelling. However, most agree that he is male of Irillian descent and from a commoner background judging by his mannerisms. However, his dashing good looks and petite body have given rise to many stories of the Raven breaking into bedchambers and leaving a token of his love for a lady fair. Straight brown hair and brown eyes seem to be the only thing that all of his disguises have in common. PC Connection

The Raven is a thief of extroidanary skill, chupatz, and talent. Known for breaking into places that are believed to be inpenetratable, it would be likely that the Raven might have something the PCs desire or vice versa. In fact, it would not be past the Raven to use the PC as mules or a distraction if it would make for a more inviting exit from any dangerous situation. The Raven is a braggert, liar, and known womanizer with seemingly no moral code — which will make him fit in with most PC groups.

The Truth