
The Thedurk are the most trusted couriers in the lands around the Serpente Sea. Originally founded in Sfakia, a city-state of Theodova in Y148 AH. Over the next decades they grew their reach and reputation throughout Theodova, Irill, and the Free Cities. By the 329 the council agreed to carry any message anywhere and guarantee its safety. These are not messages of love and affection for an affair, but the messages that move armies, topple kingdoms, and assassinate the well-placed.


The Thedurk offer the services of complete assurance that they will deliver a message safe from interception or tampering. The exact method used is a compete secrecy, but it is known that the purchaser of their service must know the receiver very well. Sending a message to an acquaintance is not sufficient for their complete services.

For those unwilling to pay the price of their most secure services they can courier a message just based upon their reputation. That lands in which the Thedurk travel know enough of the couriers that few try to extract the information. So just purchasing one of their messengers can ensure security.

The most expensive service involves the delivery of small goods. The cost is extremely high compared to simply hiring extra bodyguards for a normal courier, but simply the name of the business is enough to command such a high price. When carrying small goods the cutomer is purchasing the services of three Thedurk.