====== Reginald Danvers ====== Reginald (he hates any nicknames) Danvers started life apprenticed to his father. His father practiced the rarest of all trades, mystical blacksmithing. He was a master blacksmith who could work the strangest metals - it was said there was nothing he couldn't forge. He also maintained close contact to a few nearby enchanters, in case the customer wanted something special. Reginald was apprenticed to his father for smithing, and then worked with master Tokkiu for wizardry. He was never big, but years at the forge honed his body. Meanwhile, his wizardry skills really accelerated. He was soon doing some of the simple work for his father. Then came the day both father and son knew was coming. Reginald got itchy feet and had to see the world. For the next ten years he adventured with two groups. The first was the [[orgs:Golden Cats]], then he and another broke off and created the [[orgs:Dakarian Panthers]]. Eventually he figured he had seen everything he wanted and journeyed home. He worked for ten years in a shop outside his fathers forge, until the day his father passed away. He constructed a small magical school next to the forge and brought on apprenticed. He felt he had much knowledge to pass on to another generation - both about the forge and magic. ===== Character Sheet ===== * System: [[hero:start|Hero 4th Edition]] * Points * Base Character: 75 points * Char. Cost 119 * Powers Cost 189 * Disadvantage: 75 points ==== Characteristics ==== ^ Value ^ Statistic ^ Cost ^ Notes ^ | 15 | STR | 5 | STR Roll: 12- | | 14 | DEX | 12 | DEX Roll: 12- OCV: 5 DCV: 5 | | 18 | CON | 22 | CON Roll: 14- | | 12 | BOD | 4 | | | 23 | INT | 16 | INT Roll: 14- | | 11 | EGO | 2 | EGO Roll: 11- | | 20 | PRE | 10 | PRE Roll: 13- | | 14 | COM | 2 | | | 8 | PD | 5 | | | 8 | ED | 4 | | | 4 | SPD | 16 | | | 10 | REC | 6 | | | 50 | END | 7 | | | 40 | STN | 8 | | ==== Skills ==== ^ Cost ^ Power ^ END ^ ^ Skill Levels ^^^ | 3 | +1 w/ Short-hafted weapons | | | 5 | +1 DCV | | | 5 | +1 w/ INT Skills | | | 3 | Bureaucratics (P) | 13- | | 3 | Conversation (P) | 13- | | 3 | Cryptography (I) | 14- | | 3 | Deduction (I) | 14- | | 3 | Oratory (P) | 13- | | 5 | Spell Research (I) | 15- | | 2 | WF: Common Melee Languages | | | 3 | Linguist | | | 0 | Irillian (native, lit) | | | 3 | Ancient (fluent, lit) | | | 2 | Carthin (fluent) | | | 3 | Dakarian (fluent, lit) | | | 1 | Kryandian (fluent, lit) *similiar to Dakarian* | | ^ Knowledges/Professions ^^^ | 3 | Scholar | | | 4 | KS: Spell Magic (I) | 16- | | 3 | KS: Forging (I) | 15- | | 2 | KS: Metals and Ores (I) | 14- | | 2 | KS: Circles and Wards (I) | 14- | | 2 | KS: Astral Plane (I) | 14- | | 2 | KS: Elemental Plane (I) | 14- | | 2 | KS: Enchanting (I) | 14- | | 3 | Jack of All Trades | | | 2 | PS: Teacher (I) | 14- | | 2 | PS: Magician (I) | 14- | | 2 | PS: Enchanter (I) | 14- | | 2 | PS: Blacksmith (I) | 14- | | 3 | Traveler | | | 2 | AK: Bronze Sea (I) | 14- | | 2 | AK: Western Realms (I) | 14- | | 1 | AK: Eastern Realms | 11- | | 1 | AK: Miranda | 11- | ^ Spell Magic ^^^ | 10 | +2 w/ Spell Magic | | | 2 | Reduce "Iron Maiden" by 2 skill | | | 21 | Magic Skill Roll (I) | 23- | ==== Powers ==== * **Astral Shield**; Invisibility to Sight * Modifiers * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * Incantations during casting (-1/4) * 1/2 DCV while casting (-1/4) * Side Effect: 3d6 Flash (-1/2) * Casting Difficulty: -2 Skill * Cost: 6 points * END Cost: 4 * **Skin of Iron**; 5/5 Force Field * Modifiers * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * Incantations during casting (-1/4) * 2x END Cost (-1/2) * Side Effect: 2d6 Drain PD/ED (-1/2) * Casting Difficulty: -1 Skill * Cost: 3 points * END Cost: 2 * **Rod of Casting**; 8d6 Energy Blast * Modifiers * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * Incantations during casting (-1/4) * Side Effect: 6d6 Energy Blast (-1/2) * Casting Difficulty: -4 Skill * Cost: 12 points * END Cost: 8 * **Iron Maiden**; 4d6 Entangle, Blocks All Sight * Modifiers * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * Incantations during casting (-1/4) * Side Effect: 3d6 Entangle (-1/2) * Casting Difficulty: -4 Skill * Cost: 17 points * END Cost: 8 * **Shards of Steel**; 2d6 Ranged Killing Attack * Modifiers * Autofire x5 (+1/2) * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * Incantations during casting (-1/4) * Side Effect: 6d6 Energy Blast (-1/2) * 10 charges Cost END (-3/4) * Casting Difficulty: -4 Skill * Cost: 11 points * END Cost: 8 * **Decipher Magic**; Detect Magic, Discriminatory, +4 Perception * Modifiers * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * Incantations throughout (-1/2) * Extra Time: 5 minutes casting * Casting Difficulty: -2 Skill * Cost: 4 points * END Cost: 4 * **Drain Magic**; 6d6 Dispel * Modifiers * All forms of magic (+1) * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * Incantations during casting (-1/4) * Side Effect: Caster becomes target (-1/2) * Casting Difficulty: -4 Skill * Cost: 11 points * END Cost: 8 * **Multi-Spells**; Change Environment, 8 meters radius * Modifiers * Any Effect (+1) * OIF: Magical Amulet (-1/2) * Requires Skill Check (-1/2) * Gestures during casting (-1/4) * 1/2 DCV during casting (-1/4) * Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2) * Side Effect: 6d6 END Drain (-1/2) * Casting Difficulty: -3 Skill * Cost: 7 points * END Cost: 6 ==== Disadvantages ==== ^ Cost ^ Power ^ | 10 | DNPC: Students, normal, appear on a 14- | | 10 | PsyLim: Hates to rush thing (com, strong) | | 5 | PsyLim: Loves a good mystery (unc, minor) | | 15 | PsyLim: Judges according to Intellect (vc, minor) | | 10 | DisFeat: Skin color of metal (concealable, major) | | 10 | Reputation: Magical Teacher (14-, limited group) | | 10 | Enraged: Taunted, 14-, rec 11-, com | | 5 | Age 40+ | ==== Equipment ==== - Staff of Brass o +1 OCV with Magic o +2 Rmod with Magic - Clothes of Iron o 3/3 Armor o Hardened, Act 11- - Book of the Magical Properties of Metals * +2 Spell Research for Metal-based spells * +1 Skill with Metal processing {{tag>craftsman wizard human}}