====== Mei Mahogany ====== **Mei Mahogany** is one of the [[creatures:oska]] that live deep within the [[atlas:Savimaahan]]. She has given her service to [[people:Queen Mirasandoral]] in exchange for three favors. She has already spent two of the favors and is saving the last for when she wishes to leave her Queen's service. She is often sent ahead of the Queen into dangerous situations to remove those who oppose her. Mei Mahogany appears as a small brownish-gray branch no thicker that seven and a half centimeters across (3" diameter) and stands no higher than one-hundred and sixty centimeters (5'3" tall). She has a small rootball with dozens of roots on which she walks. Although most of the time she will only have a pair of branches for arms, when needed she can sprout many others. A single eye is tucked into a knot at her top. ===== Statistics ===== * **Capsule**: Understated and secretive operative for her Queen * **Occupation**: Spy and Operative * **Nationality**: [[atlas:Savimaahan]] * **Patron**: [[people:Queen Mirasandoral]] * **Lifetime**: [[lore:Age of Legends]] - * **Ethnicity**: [[creatures:Oska]], [[orgs:Seelie Court]] ===== History ===== ==== Legacy of Marak ==== During the [[atlas:Fountainhead]] arc of the [[campaigns:Legacy of Marak]] campaign she attended a negotiation that was supposed to take place between [[people:Alavara]] and [[people:Asteria]], The High Lady of Ice, at the [[atlas:Watchers' House]]. Unfortunately an assassin struck Alavara outside the Watchers' House. [[people:Keribrar]] took her place and tried to strike his own deal. She was there to make sure no deal was struck and so before it could conclude she disrupted the house. Several seelie in attendance were waiting for this signal and attacked, while she made her escape. ===== Timeline ===== ^ Date ^ Events ^ ^ Classic Age ^^ | | Is granted three favors in exchange for service to [[people:Queen Mirasandoral]] | ^ Age of Heroes ^^ | 460 | Involved in conflict between [[people:Asteria]] and [[people:Queen Mirasandoral]] at the [[atlas:Watchers' House]] | ===== See Also ===== * [[lists:Fae]] * [[lists:Sidhe]] * [[lists:Seelie]] {{tag>fae sidhe seelie oksa}}