====== Gabor ====== **Gabor** is a lumberer who works the southern forest with his crew. He owns a small saw pit near the village of [[atlas:Cannak]]. He is good at his trade and his crew gets the job done. However, he hates all non-humans. Cannot even stand the stench of them. He tolerates [[creatures:goblin|goblins]] as long as they understand their place in the world as servants. ===== Statistics ===== * **Occupation**: Lumberer * **Nationality**: [[atlas:Theodova]] * **Family**: Settar (M) and Lynne (F) * **Lifetime**: 431 AH - * **Religion**: [[orgs:Five Gods]] * **Ethnicity**: [[creatures:Human]], [[orgs:Theodovans|Theodovans]] ===== History ===== Gabor arrived at [[atlas:Fountainhead]] several harvests ago and settled into a small village south of the city. He had learned a lumberer's trade and soon had a good saw pit up and running. He has worked closely with [[people:Janos]] since the last harvest and likes the way the man thinks and speaks. Janos does not tolerate lies and those who tell them - and neither does Gabor. ==== Legacy of Marak ==== In the [[campaigns:Legacy of Marak]] campaign Gabor tangled with [[people:Keribrar]] and [[people:Hafwyn]] at the [[atlas:Sword and Bones]] tavern. He was with his crew and they threw both of them out of the tavern. Keribrar came back inside and suffered a severe beating. ===== Timeline ===== ^ Date ^ Events ^ | 453 | Arrives at Fountainhead | {{tag>human crafter fountainhead}}