====== Creation Theory ====== Writing about a subject that may touch a personal part of someone else’s beliefs is never easy. However, bear in mind that this document is complete fantasy and in no way attempts to dispel or support the belief of any religious organization. Any link to a religious organization or belief is accidental and holds no basis for extrapolation. Finally, this document does not reflect the author’s personal beliefs on the existence or not of a primal being(s). Secondly, where the meaning of a sentence may be confusing or difficult to write using genderless terms — the male term will be used. This will ease the difficulty of reading she/he/it constantly. Finally, use of the word deity will be used to mean any primal being — which means any being that contains divine or infernal power. Life What follows is the true story of the creation of Miranda, Its Universe, and all other things — at least as much of its creation as the GM understands, for I am far from all knowing. However, the beings that I look down upon from the center of the universe know even less, for only I was here when everything began…Actually one other was here, but I married her so I am using the martial "I." Please be advised that after reading this information you will know more than your character knows about their creation. This section is here to set the record straight, and provide the player with a sense of time-spanning history — this is "player" knowledge not "character" knowledge. Approach with caution young grasshopper. ====== Racial Creation ====== All things had to come from some where and were created at some time. Well in the section below I will outline the stages of creation and where everyone fits into the scheme of the cosmos. ====== Celestial Dragons ====== The Celestial Dragons were the first living things created when the universe was created from the nothingness that existed just a moment before — which was quite difficult considering that time didn’t even exist, imagine a chicken and the egg relationship. The Celestial Dragons were created from the vast amounts of power that was expended during the creation of the universe. They are on a power level so high that the deities would be destroyed if they ever saw one in full form. Instead, they exist in all realities, and no reality, at the same time. ====== Kindred ====== The so-called Kindred races are those who were given life directly from the deities. Most of the kindred races have closer ties with their deities no matter how fractured the culture has become. The elves, dwarves, and jundari are just a few of the kindred races. ====== Uplifted ====== The Uplifted races, who lived on Miranda before the deities came, have widely scattered religious beliefs and seem more dependent on culture and any belief in racial unification. In fact, many of the religions of man are in direct confrontation with others. The Man races include the humans, kithkin, and shoag.