====== Skills ====== //See Also: [[fatecore>Skills]], [[fatecore>default-skill-list|Default Skill List]]// If aspects define who a person is, skills define what he can do and how he does it. These skills allow [[people:Cohen|Cohen's]] to Fight, [[people:Tharen Starlight|Tharen's]] ability to build Rapport with people. [[people:Hellstrom Darkmaster|Hellstrom's]] capability to wield the forces of magic is actually handled as [[fate:Extras]] (see [[fate:Magic]]). ===== Actions and Outcomes ===== //See Also: [[fatecore>Actions-and-Outcomes|Actions and Outcomes]]// Fate defines its skills in accordance to the [[fatecore>four-actions|Four Actions]]. These are Create an Advantage, Overcome, Attack and Defend. * **Overcome:** Tackle some kind of challenge, engaging task, or hindrance related to your skill. * **Create an Advantage:** Discover and create aspects, and possibly get free invocations of them. * **Attack:** Harm someone (physically, mentally, socially, etc.) in a conflict. * **Defend:** Defend an attack, overcome, or create an advantage. The result of any skill test is determined by the [[fatecore>four-outcomes|Four Outcomes]], which are Fail, Tie, Success, and Success with Style. * **Fail:** Either fail or success with a serious cost. * **Tie:** Success with minor cost or you do not get everything you wanted. * **Success:** You get what you want at no cost. * **Success with Style:** Success by 3 or more. You get what you want and more. ===== Miranda Skills ===== The majority of these skills are strictly drawn from the Default Skill list in the Fate CORE book. The additional skills will be found on this wiki. ^ Skill ^ Capsule ^ | [[fatecore>Athletics]] | Physical abilities apart from sheer strength | | [[fatecore>Burglary]] | Lock picking, Infiltration, Security, Sleight of Hand | | [[fatecore>Contacts]] | Social Networking, Gather Information, Rumors | | [[fatecore>Crafts]] | Making, Fixing, and Breaking Stuff | | [[fatecore>Deceive]] | Lies through word and/or deed | | [[fatecore>Drive]] | Operate vehicles | | [[fatecore>Empathy]] | Reading People's moods and bearing, Mental Initiative, Detect Lies | | [[fatecore>Fight]] | Fisticuffs, Melee Weapons, CQB | | [[fatecore>Investigate]] | Concentrated searching and in-depth scrutiny | | [[fatecore>Lore]] | Knowledge of Arcane and Supernatural, Herbalism | | [[fatecore>Notice]] | Passive Awareness, Physical Conflict Initiative | | [[fatecore>Physique]] | Breaking & Lifting Things, Physical Stress, Physical Prowess | | [[fatecore>Provoke]] | Inspire fear, anger, shame, etc. - the being a jerk skill | | [[fatecore>Rapport]] | First Impressions, Public Speaking or Performances | | [[fatecore>Resources]] | Spending Money, Lifestyle | | [[fate:Scholarship]] | History, Languages, Science and Engineering | | [[fatecore>Shoot]] | Ranged Weapons | | [[fatecore>Stealth]] | Hiding, Skulking, Ambush | | [[fate:Survival]] | Riding, Animal Handling, Scavenging, Geography, Navigation | | [[fatecore>Will]] | Concentration, Composure, Courage, Mental Stress | {{tag>fate skills}}