====== Dinosaurs ====== **Dinosaurs** are a wide ranging class of animals that appeared during the [[lore:Age of Dragons]], around 250 million years ago. They were one of the dominant terrestrial species until [[lore:The Great Cataclysm]] event 150 millions years ago nearly drove them extinct. The last known dinosaurs went extinct during the [[lore:Age of the Gods]] around 50 million years ago; although many of their descendants still live. ===== Biology ===== All dinosaurs lay [[wp>amniotic eggs]] with hard shells. Some build elaborate nests while others have no nests simply hiding their eggs. Parental care is a trait among the vast majority of dinosaurs. All dinosaurs are [[wp>endothermic]] and capable of internally regulating their body temperature. ===== Related ===== {{topic>dinosaur &simplelist&nodate&noheader}} {{tag>classification}}