====== Phobias ====== Any character has the following options for selecting a phobia. - Roll 1d100 against the Common and Strength table below - Select a phobia from the table below ====== Strength ====== ^ 1d10 ^ Strength ^ Effects ^ PC Points | 1 - 4 | Minor | Willpower check at **1/4 PSF%** | +5 | | 5 - 7 | Major | Willpower check at **1/2 PSF%** | +10 | | 8 - 9 | Severe | Willpower check at **1/4 PSF%** | +13 | | 0 | Crippling | Willpower check with **0 PSF%** | +17 | ====== Common ====== ^ 1d100 ^ Phobia ^ Definition ^ | 01 - 02 | Ablutophobia | Fear of bathing or washing | | 03 - 05 | Acrophobia | Fear of heights | | 06 | Agoraphobia | Fear of open and public spaces | | 07 - 08 | Algophobia | Fear of pain | | 09 - 10 | Ailurophobia | Fear of felines | | 11 - 12 | Androphobia | Fear of men | | 13 | Ankylophobia | Fear of immobility | | 14 - 15 | Arachnophobia | Fear of spiders | | 16 - 17 | Astrophobia | Fear of Thunder & Lightning | | 18 - 19 | Atelophobia | Fear of imperfections | | 20 | Athazagoraphobia | Fear of being ignored or forgotten | | 21 | Autophobia | Fear of being alone | | 22 | Batrachophobia | Fear of amphibians | | 23 | Bibliophobia | Fear of books and scrolls | | 24 - 25 | Bogyphobia | Fear of monsters | | 26 | Chorophobia | Fear of dancing | | 27 - 29 | Claustrophobia | Fear of close spaces | | 30 - 31 | Coimetrophobia | Fear of burial sites | | 32 | Coulrophobia | Fear of minstrels, entertainers, and fools | | 33 - 34 | Cynophobia | Fear of canines | | 35 | Daemonophobia | Fear of demons | | 36 | Demophobia | Fear of large crowds | | 37 | Entomophobia | Fear of insects | | 38 | Equinophobia | Fear of equines | | 39 | Gamophobia | Fear of marriage or commitment | | 40 - 42 | Glossophobia | Fear of speaking in public | | 43 - 44 | Gynophobia | Fear of women | | 45 - 46 | Hamartophobia | Fear of committing sin | | 47 | Heliophobia | Fear of sunlight | | 48 - 49 | Haemophobia | Fear of blood | | 50 - 52 | Hydrophobia | Fear of water | | 53 - 54 | Illyngophobia | Fear of looking down (vertigo) | | 55 | Katagelophobia | Fear of being ridiculed | | 56 | Kronophobia | Fear of aging | | 57 | Limnophobia | Fear of lakes or large bodies of water | | 58 | Merinthophobia | Fear of being bound or tied | | 59 - 60 | Musophobia | Fear of rodents | | 61 | Methyphobia | Fear of alcohol | | 62 - 63 | Necrophobia | Fear of the dead/undead | | 64 | Neophobia | Fear of new things, ideas, or changes | | 65 - 66 | Nosemaphobia | Fear of sickness or becoming ill | | 67 | Nyctophobia | Fear of darkness & night | | 68 | Ornithophobia | Fear of avians | | 69 - 70 | Orphidophobia | Fear of reptiles | | 71 - 72 | Pathophobia | Fear of disease | | 73 | Pharmacophobia | Fear of medicine and herbs | | 74 - 76 | Phasmophobia | Fear of ghosts & spirits | | 77 | Potamophobia | Fear or rivers or running water | | 78 - 80 | Rhabdophobia | Fear of magic | | 81 - 81 | Scelerophibia | Fear of thieves | | 83 | Sciophobia | Fear of shadows | | 84 | Soteriophobia | Fear of being dependent upon others | | 85 | Symbolophobia | Fear of symbols or symbolism | | 86 | Taphophobia | Fear of being buried alive or underground | | 87 | Thanophobia | Fear of personal death | | 88 | Theophobia | Fear of religion | | 89 | Toxicophobia | Fear of poisons & toxins | | 90 | Traumatophobia | Fear of becoming injured | | 91 - 93 | Xenophobia | Fear of strangers | | 94 | Zoophobia | Fear of large animals | | 95 - 00 | Roll against Rare list below || ====== Rare ====== ^ 1d100 ^ Phobia ^ Definition ^ | 01 - 02 | Atephobia | Fear of ruins | | 03 - 05 | Atychiphobia | Fear of failure | | 06 - 07 | Aurophobia | Fear of precious metals | | 08 - 09 | Automatonophobia | Fear of humanoid statues | | 10 - 11 | Bromhidrosiphobia | Fear of body odor | | 12 - 13 | Catoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors or reflections | | 14 - 15 | Chaetophobia | Fear of hair and fur | | 16 - 17 | Coitophobia | Fear of sex | | 18 - 20 | Cryophobia | Fear of the cold | | 21 - 22 | Dendrophobia | Fear of trees | | 23 - 24 | Dikephobia | Fear of justice or the law | | 25 - 26 | Domatophobia | Fear of being inside of a home or structure | | 27 - 29 | Ecclesiophobia | Fear of church | | 30 - 31 | Eleutherophobia | Fear of freedom | | 32 - 33 | Eosophobia | Fear of dawn or daylight | | 34 - 35 | Epistemphobia | Fear of knowledge or educated people | | 36 - 37 | Florophobia | Fear of some plants/flowers | | 38 - 39 | Gephyrophobia | Fear of bridges | | 40 - 42 | Hadephobia | Fear of the infernal | | 43 - 45 | Hagiophobia | Fear of the divine | | 46 - 47 | Heptaphobia | Fear of being touched by anyone | | 48 - 49 | Hypnophobia | Fear of sleeping/dreaming | | 50 - 51 | Lachanophobia | Fear of vegetables | | 52 - 53 | Lyssophobia | Fear of insanity or madness | | 54 - 55 | Melophobia | Fear of music | | 56 - 57 | Metallophobia | Fear of metal | | 58 - 59 | Mysophobia | Fear of being contaminated by dirt | | 60 - 61 | Olfactophobia | Fear of strong smells | | 62 - 64 | Ombrophobia | Fear of the rain | | 65 - 67 | Ouranophobia | Fear of the cosmos | | 68 - 69 | Pedophobia | Fear of children | | 70 - 71 | Peniaphobioa | Fear of poverty | | 72 - 73 | Photophobia | Fear of intense light | | 74 - 75 | Plutophobia | Fear or wealth or material goods | | 76 - 78 | Pnigophobia | Fear of being choked or smothered | | 79 - 81 | Pyrophobia | Fear of fire | | 82 - 84 | Selenophobia | Fear of the moon | | 85 - 86 | Seplophobia | Fear of decaying matter | | 87 - 88 | Sitiophobia | Fear of food | | 89 - 90 | Sociophobia | Fear of society | | 91 - 92 | Teleophobia | Fear of ceremonies | | 93 - 94 | Vestiphobia | Fear of clothing | | 95 - 00 | phobia | Fear of a specific culture and its people | {{tag>cns chargen}}