====== Human ====== * Movement * Jumping: +2 feet * Ground: 4 feet * Swimming: 5 feet * Physique * Male * Height: 3d6 + 56 (59 - 74); Average = 66 (5' 9") * Build: 2d6 - 1 (1 - 11); Average = 06 * Female * Height: 3d6 + 54 (57 - 72); Average = 67 (5' 7") * Build: 2d6 - 2 (0 - 10); Average = 05 * Family Status * 01-10%: Illegitimate and unacknowledged (+5 points); 20% of Family's Social Status * 11-15%: Illegitimate and acknowledged (+3 points); 50% of Family's Social Status * 16-18%: 8th Child (0 points) * 19-25%: 7th Child (-1 points) * 26-35%: 6th Child (-1 points) * 36-46%: 5th Child (-2 points) * 47-59%: 4th Child (-2 points) * 60-72%: 3th Child (-3 points) * 73-87%: 2th Child (-4 points) * 88-100%: 1st Child (-5 points) {{tag>cns species}}