====== Kingdom of Trilelisa ====== Before she became Queen Silvio she was known as Silvio Nightmare for her bloody raids on the eastern frontier of Irill. It wasn't long before her band of raiders became so infamous that the Irillian Marshall Rorgianco la Isinalio set an ambush and killed most of her followers. On the run she escaped to the wilds of Selcaria with enough treasure to hire a new band of mercenaries and carve out her own kingdom. Now it is Silvio who sends out the soldiers to kill the bandits attacking her villages. ===== Statistics ===== ===== History ===== ===== Geography ===== ===== Politics ===== ==== Foreign Relations ==== ==== Military ==== ===== Economy ===== ===== Demographics ===== ==== Religion ==== ==== Magic ==== ===== Culture ===== ===== Holdings ===== Lord: Queen Silvio {{tag>free_cities nation western_realms miran}}