====== Raut Keep ====== **Raut Keep** is a large [[wp>shell keep]] that astride the [[atlas:Duchy of Haibach#Graubruke]] Road. Its isolated position has become a dumping ground for malcontents and the disfavored among the duke's men. Even during the high summer the soldiers fight snow and ice as much as boredom. Too strong for the scattered tribes and monsters that live nearby to attack. The reputation of the soldiers at the keep stop many merchants from staying. Typically eight to ten (8-10) soldiers are stationed at the keep. The keep is three stories tall and built from stone blocks that were cut from the nearby land. There is a single cellar where the soldiers can retreat during the harsh winters. Surrounding the keep is a eight foot (8') stone wall topped with chipped stone spearheads. The first floor of the keep is the kitchen, hearth, and a room for the commander. The second floor is an open bunkhouse with a hearth sub-divided by heavy drapery to reduce the wind. The third floor is used for storage. The crenelated battlements along the top are topped with chipped stone spearheads as the outer wall. {{tag>fort dakar}}