====== Jorgalli Peninsula ====== **Tropical outcropping prone to violent storms** This large [[wp>peninsula]] juts off from the south-eastern shoreline of the [[atlas:Elysian]] continent. Dotted with thousands of small lakes, marshes, and rivers - the land is fertile and the climate good for agriculture. What this land lacks in common natural resources like metals or coal, it surpasses in the variety of natural wildlife. With many different varieties of both poisonous and venomous plants and animals, the largest danger comes from the sky and sea. Both lightning storms and hurricanes batter this land several times a year; although truly devastating events typically only happen once a decade or more. ===== History ===== Several [[creatures:human]] tribes live along the Elysian coasts, but the inherent danger of the peninsula kept them away. The first permanent settlement on this land where the [[atlas:Jugalii]] ([[creatures:hashan]]), who established a port town. This town eventually drew several of the nearby [[orgs:ikanbo_people]] to the area. As theysettled upon the land they came into conflict with each other. Within several hundred (250) years two tribes emerged dominant. The [[atlas:Garaseon]] and the [[orgs:xianese]]. The Xianese were a culture dominated by [[lore:Zarnism]] and their worship of [[lore:Zarn]], the Creator and Destroyer. Their belief that the Ikanbo were the chosen ones over all others drove them into conflict with the hashan. The Xianese drove off the Jugalii and burned their town, goods and all, to the ground before turning on the Garaseon. The war was bloody and drawn out, but after several decades the Xianese claimed the entire peninsula. ==== Xian Era ==== For nearly five hundred (500) years the Xian ruled the peninsula. They cultivated the land, fished along the shores, and hunted its animals. During this time the storm season was very mild. The built great cities surrounding large temples to their god. The people were wealthy and prosperous. When the storms finally did return to this land, they were far worse. Starting off with an entire growing season lost to a black cloud that blotted out the sun. The next decade saw an increase in both the number and strength of the storms. The beautiful cities and proud temples were covered in a gray ash that fell across the peninsula. Even the Xianese themselves grew sick and died in large numbers, coughing up black mucus from their lungs. During their height, the Xianese demanded a tribute from the surroundings tribes. Those that did not pay their yearly tribute were killed or taken as slaves. The Garaseon were the only civilization the Xianese could not conquer. Each village the Xianese burnt, the Garaseon would burn one of theirs - this tit-for-tat eventually died out - but such things are remembered. For twenty years the storms destroyed everything in their path, but after peace once again returned to the land. The Xianese were scattered, starving, and living in the remains of their cities. The Garaseon took this opportunity to drive them from the land. A great army was gathered, including among the many tribute towns. Their goal was not simply to subjugate the Xianese, but the [[wp>genocide]] of all Xianese. ==== Xianese Exodus ==== Although all appeared lost, the strong religious beliefs of the people saved them. They fought for everything against the Garaseon. It was a lost cause, but the priests of Zarn demanded no less than every drop of their blood. While they died by the hundreds on the battlefield, the survivors built large ships and stocked them with any food they could find. The food that they did not take, they burned in the fields simply to deny the Garaseon. ==== Garaseon Era ==== With the Xianese gone the Garaseon took full control of the peninsula. Unlike the Xianese whose hatred of other cultures drove them, the Garaseon proved more pragmatic. They allowed others to buy land or rights from them and their leaders respected and protected those rights. This policy caused massive emigration into the peninsula, replacing many of the lives that were lost. {{tag> elysian geography}}