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-====== Silver ====== 
-** Fae-Elf Member of the Red Guard** 
-Silver is now a lean humanoid woman standing a little over 4 feet tall. Her skin is the color of purest ivory and her eyes still sparkle like the stars. Her long golden blonde hair would drape to her knees; although she favors lots of braids, which contain it to the middle of her back. Now that she wears clothes she typically is fashioned in brilliantly colored loose-fitting trousers and a heavily decorated vest. She favors lots of jewelry - usually all different colors. Her entire outfit is very gaudy and clashes - but she loves the bright colors. When she was still a fae she stood around 6 inches tall with transparent soft velvet wings. Her eyes were solid black and shown with hundreds of stars. Her floated gently over the air like the hum from fine crystal. 
-===== History ===== 
-Silver was a fae of the air and winds. She spent her days travelling around causing mischief and helping as the whim took her. One day she was captured by a dark magician intent on gaining her control over the air. Instead, she was rescued by Mavros - just moments before she was going to start her own brilliant plan to escape. Since then she has actually felt akin to this strange mage. She tries to comfort and soothe him during his dark times. Unlike the others, she is not bonded to Mavros - instead choosing to stay with him for a reason even she doesn'​t understand. 
-It was during his awakening during the Age of Heroes that things changed. She met a strange man who called himself a gnome; although he looked nothing like any gnome she remembered. This gnome, his name was Gul, was completely wild and unpredictable - a perfect match. She enjoyed his company and would often travel back to his tower to play with the small orb he had given her. It would do an amazing number of things and brought her days of fun. However, a darker version of Mavros had entered the area and things became worse. 
-For years she tried to get Mavros to return home - or at least dissuade his plans. For her troubles she was bound and killed on a sacred Goldenroot tree. Gul, stricken with grief, sacrificed a powerful elven artifact to give both her and the tree life; however, it is now a mortal life. With typical fae understanding she quickly learned to ignore slow death of her body and once again set out to learn a whole new wealth of experiences. 
-Silver never really learned how to stay out of trouble or anything else when she was a fae; however, now its not so easy to get away. She is still faster than any human, but she can no longer use her faerie magic. Instead, she learned a technique of fighting using short clubs or sticks. She has also found some mortal magic that works somewhat akin to the old abilities. The priests that taught her the fighting and magic also tried to teach her religion, but she never could understand why the humans worshiped the gods - so the lessons were lost on her. 
-===== Red Guard ===== 
-//Main Article: [[lore:Red Guard]]// 
-==== Jorack ==== 
-//Main Article: [[Jorack]]//​ 
-Even Silver'​s people never bothered the searchers. They would just wander around with rhyme or reason; although they always reached somewhere. She knows of his and Rhian'​s love, but she also knows of Rhian'​s dream about children - something Jorack cannot give her. If it wasn't all so amusing - she would probably be sad.  
-==== Rhian ==== 
-//Main Article: [[Rhian]]// 
-Although she never liked Silver'​s music - she would at least help her sing. Silver always thought there was a little pixie blood in her, but Rhian always denied it. 
-==== Un'lor ==== 
-//Main Article: [[Un'​lor]]//​ 
-Before the change he was her best friend. They are both creatures of something far greater than mortals. In times of trouble or turmoil they clang to each other for support. He was her anchor and she was his life. She has not seen him since the change. Shadow: She recognizes Shadow for what it is; however, she can't remember anymore. It was something terribly wrong, but exactly why - she can't remember. So she just fears this creature. 
-{{tag>​red_guard fae elf}}