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people:siguard_of_the_storm [2016/05/11 13:37]
galacticcmdr created
people:siguard_of_the_storm [2021/12/03 23:36]
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-====== Siguard of the Storm ====== 
-**Bonded with the fierce North Wind** 
-Siguard is the crazy old man that lives in a [[wp>​laccolith]] of grey stone north of [[atlas:​Ulrichstein]]. Any proper person would avoid having anything to do with him as his reputation of traveling naked about the land even during the worse storms leave many thinking he has been "​touched by the gods". Siguard has no illusions. He rejects the gods as little more than meddlers embracing the living elements of the world. 
-He is bonded to a powerful winter storm - they are now one person. The storm gives him senses beyond human understanding and shields him from even the worst weather. He can fly, but he prefers to walk, and many people claim to hear his voice upon the wind which can unnerve even the strongest. Only once has his sanctuary atop the rocks been attacked. The mercenaries who tried are still encased in ice at the base - ice that never melts even in the hottest summer. 
-===== Statistics ===== 
-  * **Occupation**:​ Storm Wizard 
-  * **Nationality**:​ [[atlas:​Kingdom of Dakar]] 
-  * **Spouse**: none 
-  * **Issue**: none 
-  * **Father**: Joseph Miller 
-  * **Mother**: Loriel Miller 
-  * **Lifespan**:​ Winter 408 -  
-  * **Religion**:​ none 
-  * **Ethnicity**:​ [[creatures:​Human]],​ [[atlas:​Dakarians]] 
-===== History ===== 
-Until the winter of 419 Siguard was like all of the other boys in his village. He played games, did chores, and labored on the farm of the local lord. That winter was as cold as anyone could remember. One night Siguard and his friend [[people:​Valten]] sneaked out the house on a dare. The first boy to the split tree and back to the village was the winner. Both of them raced off together, but only Siguard returned. 
-After some time he returned to look for his friend. The "Ice Man," as the people of the village called the worst winter storms, was gathering up his strength to kill anyone far from their hearth. Siguard only understands a bit of what happened next. He remembers seeing Valten laying face down in the snow. Three creatures of ice and wind attacking him - tearing his clothes and cutting his skin. he rushed forward with a branch and tried to drive the creatures off, but was overwhelmed by the bitter cold. He remembers a man in a gray cloak standing over him, but nothing else. 
-When it was discovered the next morning that the boys were missing search parties were sent out. Everyone expected to find their dead bodies, but instead they were alive. Valten was still face down in the snow, but nobody could reach him because Siguard'​s body was whipping across the air over him - naked except for a tattered gray cloak. 
-When Joseph arrived Siguard'​s body fell to the ground as if a marionette'​s strings had been cut. As Valten was rushed back the village nobody would touch Siguard'​s body, not even his father. Dark magic everyone whispered, better to let him die far from proper folk. Joseph and Loriel grieved over their lost son, but never attempted to retrieve the body. Nobody went to where such evil took place. 
-==== Homecoming ==== 
-Seven years later (425 [[lore:​AH]]) the village a fierce winter again pummeled the village. Snowfall collapsed houses and the winds tore off shutters. For seven days the men of the village could only move quickly from house to house to help their neighbors. On the eighth day the wind and snow suddenly stopped. As people came out of their houses they found Siguard standing in the center of the village - clad only in that tattered gray cloak. 
-The people of his village were fearful that he had returned as a [[creatures:​Revenant]] to exact his revenge upon them for abandoning him in the woods. However Siguard was very much alive and Valten was the first to approach and warmly embrace his friend. Although Siguard had grow into manhood his body was thin, nearly skeletal, and cold to the touch. Valten welcomed him into his home as nobody else if the village would even look at him. 
-For three years Siguard stayed at Valten'​s house - much to the dismay of his friend'​s wife. The spring of 428 was the first time the men returned to the spot where it happened. Siguard remembered nothing after seeing the man watching over him until he was in the village center. It was the sounds of screams that broke off their reminiscing as both raced back to the village. 
-==== The Awakening ==== 
-Raiders had stuck the village, killing any who stood against them - burning everything they could not carry away. The people of the village were hard and independent,​ skilled with axe and bow - but the raiders had a magician with them that hurled fire from his hands. Valten'​s house was already ablaze when both men reach the village, his wife's charred corpse hanging half out the window. Anger flushed through Siguard, not the white-hot anger of fire, but the deepest cold of inhumanity. 
-The spirit of the frozen north wind that had been bonded to him nine years ago rose up around him. The winds swirled around him whipping the fires into a blazing heat, then torrential rain dropped from the heavens. Those rains turned to sleet and then to hail the size of a baby's head. Many of the raiders died as hailstones struck them with enough force to crush their bones. Those few survivors rallied around their magician, whose fires kept the hail from harming them. 
-Siguard'​s clothes were torn off his body and a tattered gray cloak flew upon the winds to wrap around him. Looking upon his friend as cradling the body of his wife, Siguard strode towards the magician the and raiders huddled around him. The man's fire was feeble, while Siguard'​s strength was immeasurable. When the hail and sleet stopped, everyone in the village could see the magician and him men encased in a large chunk of ice. 
-Only Valten tried to stop Siguard when he left the village, but Siguard simply wrapped the winds about him and flew into the sky. 
-==== The Inquisitor ==== 
-Nearly twenty years pass (446). Siguard was living in the [[atlas:​Iron Mountains]],​ protecting the local mining camps from storms and bandits in exchange for food. The people still feared him, but they understood they were better off because he lived nearby - as long as he did not come into the village too often. Siguard still only wore that tattered gray cloak and he still looked too thin. 
-That was the year that he had to leave those mountains. His childhood friend, Valten, had tracked him down. This time he was not a husband, but an [[lore:​Temple of Light#​Inquisitor]] for the [[lore:​Temple of Light]]. Accompanied by four holy nights he arrived to save his friend from the evil spirit that possessed him. Instead Siguard saved him from the [[creatures:​wyvern]] that lived nearby. 
-Siguard had befriended the creatures years before - or at least came to some kind of understanding. Each respected the territory of the other. Unfortunately the knights that accompanied Valten were heedless to the signs of the predator. The wyvern attacked, killing two of the knights before the even knew what stuck them. Inquisitor Valten called upon the foreknowledge of [[lore:​Rath]] to read the creature'​s intentions and rally the surviving knights to his defense. 
-The winds whispered to Siguard of the battle and so carried him to see who would attack the wyvern. Seeing his friend down there brought up memories that overruled his own mind. As much as he tried to shut people out he could not let his friend die. The late harvest day turned was gripped by winter'​s cold as Siguard descended to do battle with the wyvern. 
-It was a fierce battle as both man and beast were evenly matched. The creature was hunting in its territory, but Siguard was fighting to defend the only person that meant anything to him. Like the day in the village he was once again part of a community and that gave him strength to match the power of the north wind. The wyvern died and Siguard mourned its passing. 
-Valten tried to speak with his friend - to save his soul from the darkness and evil that gripped him. But Siguard argued back that if the spirit was evil then he was evil as they were now one. That small moment change the lives of both men. Siguard knew what drove the "Ice Man" all those years ago. He needed another - he could not live in isolation from others or risk losing himself. Valten'​s armor of absolute belief in the gods as the shield and sword against the darkness cracked. 
-==== Ulrichstein ==== 
-After years of searching Siguard settled into a stone laccolith that rose up in the woods bordering the [[atlas:​Elfenwald]]. Avoided by both elves and men, it was the perfect place to commune with the winds. Nearby was the town of [[atlas:​Ulrichstein]],​ where he could visit and connect with a community. He hated wearing clothes as they damped the feeling of the wind, but he did so for the townsfolk. He tried to fit in, but the sharp tongue and sarcastic tone made him no friends. 
-In the year 461 something changed. The storms and winds spoke to him as they had to the "Ice Man" decades earlier. The spirits of the winds knew when another was near an awakening for the winds touched all things. More mercurial than patient, he was not willing to wait for this child to stumble away from the town into a storm. Instead he went into town and took [[people:​Isabella]] from her home. 
-The townsfolk sent a group of mercenaries to return Isabella to her home, but Siguard was not willing to give her up. The sight of his friend Inquisitor Valten among them reminds him that he cannot just ignore his own hummanity. Siguard grants their leader, [[people:​Sofiya]],​ access to his home so that she can speak with Isabella. Siguard has stripped her naked and tied her to a gnarled tree - her body under constant assault by creatures of the storm. 
-Sofiya is enraged for Siguard treating a child like this, but Isabella stops her. She can hear the storm, has always heard the storm. She knows this is right although it looks so cruel and wrong. Her storm is coming but she must be worthy of its strength. Sofiya leaves with an agreement that Siguard will bring Isabella to the town and speak with Father [[people:​Balder]] in the morning. 
-In the morning an agreement is reached. Isabella will return to her home and live with her parents, but Siguard will be allowed to train her. Her storm is coming and if she is not prepared the entire town will be destroyed. 
-Siguard and Valten speak for several hours. Not just loudly debating the merits of the gods or magic, but actually speak to one another as friends. Both men leave the conversation feeling better about the other. They may not like what has happened to the other, but they have made peace with the choices of their friend. 
-===== Timeline ===== 
-^ Year  ^ Event  ^ 
-| 408  | Born  | 
-| 419  | Rescued by the "Ice Man" along with Valten, left for dead in the woods  | 
-| 425  | Born again as one with the North Wind  | 
-| 428  | Uses his power to kill raiders ​ | 
-| 446  | Reunited with Valten ​ | 
-| 461  | Gains an apprentice, Isabella ​ | 
-{{tag>​human magician dakarian}}