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people:catherine [2013/09/30 01:51]
people:catherine [2021/12/03 23:36]
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-====== Catherine ====== 
-==== Appearance ====  
-Catherine is considered average from any measure. Her brown hair is cut short and slightly unkept regardless of the local style. Her soft blue eyes and a slightly childish face contrast with the harsh, almost angular, display of her body. She has obviously been injured in the past from the scars along her right arm and a limp in her right leg on occasion. 
-Catherine'​s only saving grace is her voice. It is beautiful to the point of bringing tears to those that listen. Capable of reaching the low rumblings of the earth to the high pitch tittering of the songbirds her voice has marvelous range. In most conversations she can pitch her voice to the precise notes to get what she needs. 
-Anyone capable of reading beyond the outer appearance will notice a woman twisted and darkened. Her aura will be the blackest taint of evil ever seen as she has committed acts beyond comprehension. She keeps a simple outer appearance to lure others into her dark web. 
-==== Abilities ==== 
-Catherine has only the barest knowledge of any weapons. She can handle a knife or small mace, but anything else is too common. Instead of physical confrontations she prefers to use her voice channelling to strike out at opponents. She is well-skilled in reducing the will of her opponents such that her most demanding of tasks will be as simple as waking in the morning. 
-==== Modus Operandi ===== 
-Catherine lives in a small townhouse in the outer districts. She usually takes jobs singing at the taverns and inns catering to visitors. From here she can find those that will suit her needs at the moment. Since the forced breakup of the Reavers she has gathered a force of raiders and cutthroats in preparation for the signal. 
-Catherine disdains personal combat unless her foe has already been beaten into the earth. She takes great pleasure from pushing her victim beyond the realms of decency. In fact, she would take great pleasure in twisting the moral into immoral acts - then presenting them with the evidence. Its the one time her voice resembles her true nature. 
-==== Background ==== 
-Catherine was the last daughter of a minor Ambrian lord. On day she was playing in the forest with some of the other girls when the Reavers found them. The following weeks were filled with endless rape and torture until on she remained. Drawing upon some internal strength she not only survived, but struck back. The experience had changed her forever, gone was the innocent child - left instead was a dark evil woman. 
-For the next years she travelled with the Reavers pushing them into further acts of destruction. She was personally responsible for the massacre of Ishan Plains, Windsbay, and personal destruction of dozens of holy temples. Catherine takes her greatest pleasure from destroying the works of man towards the gods, who never bothered to answer her prayers for help. 
-{{tag>​knights_arcana character}} 