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lore:firstborn_war [2014/04/11 20:26]
lore:firstborn_war [2021/12/03 23:36]
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-====== Firstborn War ====== 
-//See also: [[Timeline]]//​ 
-  * **Duration:​** 100,000 years 
-  * **Notation:​** FW 
-  * **Periods:​** [[Brothers War]], [[#​Kinslayer War]] 
-Without the [[lore:​gods]] to give them substance and guidance many of the godly races fell towards barbarism, while others looked longingly at the gifts given to their neighbors. War raged across [[atlas:​Miranda]] lead by those who were corrupted by the [[lore:​devils]]. These wars would last for over a hundred thousand years before the survivors were too weak to continue. Entire species died out and the very shape of the world was changed, but [[lore:​Earthmother|Terra]] kept the spark of life strong enough to usher in a new species that changed the world forever. 
-===== Periods ===== 
-==== Brothers War ==== 
-This was the first major war between the [[creatures:​godly races]] that spread across the globe. Vast swaths of land where changed and the [[creatures:​dwarf|dwarves]] nearly driven extinct. It was only the intervention of Terra that allowed them to survive as a species. In the end there was still a terrible cost to pay. 
-=== Living Forges === 
-Unlike the other godly races, the dwarves where given the gift of creation by Terra in the form of [[lore:​living forge|living forges]]. From these forges came the most beautiful workings of metal and stone. They were never able to give their creations true life, but many of the most complicated came eerily close. The forge masters were increasingly frustrated over their inability to create the life that they saw all around them. 
-Into this increasingly dark malaise came [[people:​Nathan Truestrike]] and his brother (whose name as been stuck from any and all records). The two of them not only surpassed the most skilled forge masters, but Nathan was able to do what no dwarf had ever done - he created true life when his most complicated creation (see [[lore:Soul Metal]]) gave life to another of its kind. Nathan was named Grand Master of the dwarves with no equal anywhere upon Miranda. His brother descended into jealously. 
-A few years later his workshop was destroyed in a fire that consumed his living forge and with it any chance of creating another being like the incar. Suspicion immediately feel upon his brother who had grown increasingly jealous over the years as accolades were heaped upon Nathan. His brother had his own adherents who were furious that Nathan had never taught their forge masters the technique to create life. Other clans sided with Nathan that such a gift from Terra was a one time experience only - it could not be shared. 
-What started as fights in the alehouses quickly grew and encompassed the clans. Within a dozen years the dwarves were again marching to war, only this time it was against other dwarves. Dwarven strongholds were ransacked and its population killed - nobody was spared. This "​scorched earth" warfare left no room for neutral clans, who were often attacked by both sides. So deep was the hatred for the other side that atrocities committed during this war have never been surpassed. 
-Terra could do little to stop her children from killing each other as much of her attention was on repairing the prison that holds Mir's heart. Still, rumors persist that she opened up the earth and swallowed up one of the last neutral clans in order to protect them. 
-=== War Machines === 
-The Brothers War was marked by the creation of enormous machines of war. These machines were able to kill dwarves by the dozens. This turned the war into mechanized butchery that only a devil would not find nauseating. Over time most of these machines were destroyed, but it is very possible that some of them were simply locked away - far from any other civilization and guarded by dwarves ashamed their ancestors created such monstrosities. 
-=== Great Tragedy === 
-One of the great tragedies of the war involved the [[creatures:​elf|elves]]. When [[atlas:​Stoneheart Hold]] was the only hold still standing, several dwarven armies came to the [[atlas:​stoneheart mountains|great mountain range]] to plunder its riches. Before they could reach the Hold [[people:​thorin stoneheart|King Thorin]] gathered up the those unable to fight and sent them to the safety of the elven sanctuary of [[atlas:​Ellendar]]. When the dwarven refugees reached the elven barrier they were turned back and denied the safety of the forest. With no where else to go, the refugees encamped just at the end of the forest. Warriors of the [[lore:​Darkstone clan]] arrived and fell upon the refugee camp killing with gleeful abandon. 
-While the dwarves of Stoneheart fought off the bloodthirsty Darkstone warriors, the elves in the forest refused to offer their aid. The Stoneheart refugees knew the elves were watching them and could have offered either their aid or the safety of their wood, but no word came from the forest. Finally, when the land was slick with dwarven blood and the refugees reduced to a tenth of their starting numbers the sky blackened with arrows an fell among the Darkstone clan. Five more volleys flew from the forest until the Darkstone were no more. 
-When the elven leader exited the forest and came to the battlefield he expected to be thanked for saving the dwarves from sure annihilation,​ instead their leader spat upon him. The dwarf swore upon his clan-blood that the elves would pay for their treachery that day and the loss of dwarven blood that day would be repaid in elven blood a hundredfold. The refugees packed up what supplies they could scavenge from their camp and left to return to their mountain home. It was a difficult road home and the refugees were attacked several times by various marauding armies. When they finally reached the hold less that three percent of the dwarves that left the hold had survived. 
-=== The Price of Survival === 
-After tens of thousands of years the war did not end, but instead simply slowly ground to a stop. So few dwarves remained that it was difficult for them to find each other. Terra appeared to each of them and cursed her children for all time. They would forever more be stripped of their connection to her - no more could they call upon her power at the forge. While they were once the living embodiment of the world itself - instead they would be born into the weak flesh of the others. 
-The clans that existed before the end of the war would forever be forgotten and their songs sung no more in the great halls. Instead each of the survivors would be the start of a new clan. A clan named for the one piece of the world she allowed them to wear as a badge of shame. From their bodies she tore flesh and made new dwarves whose connection to the natural world remained only a faint shadow. 
-==== Kinslayer War ==== 
-The Kinslayer War was the largest of the war during this time period. It is the war between the elves that not only severed their their link with the fae lands, but tainted the spirits upon this land. 
-=== Demon Wars === 
-When the gods left this world those races they gave birth to faced a dangerous world with none to shield and guide them. The exception to this was the elves because [[people:​Ellowyn]] was not a god, but a [[creatures:​faerie queen]]. While the devils and their [[creatures:​demon]] army had been forced to leave this world, the horrors of [[un-life]] they left behind still plagued this world. The elves worked tirelessly for many centuries to heal the land and restore its natural order, but the damage was far too great. 
-In an attempt to use what the [[creatures:​Sha’rek’ta]] left behind to aid them the elves found the [[Bronze Door]]. They already had studied the [[Black Gates]] and understood that they drew power from deep inside this world to the surface (see [[Mir]]). The elves opened its massive doors hoping to find the power to destroy the last of the un-life; instead the [[creatures:​demon#​Demon Lord]] [[people:​Un'​gothar]] stepped out and slew all of the elves near the gate. 
-Through the Bronze Door came a demonic host intent upon claiming this world for their own. The elves fell before the seemingly endless chaotic host. While the gods could only look upon the world for fear of destroying all of the realms, the fae were beings of the [[Shadow Realms]]. [[people:​Mardac]] and a few of his followers were away, so [[people:​Ellowyn]] led her [[celestial court|court]] into battle along with all of the creatures of this realm. To aid them she called her strongest warriors before the [[Elder Tree#Great Tree]] and from their sacrifice she crafted powerful bow staves. 
-Together with these new [[lore:​Maiden Archers]], the elves battled the demon host for several years, even driving them back towards the Bronze Gate. Although Ellowyn slew Un'​gothar at the door she knew the war was not over until the door was destroyed from the other side. She knew that many of her elves would never return, trapped forever in the infernal realms, but still the entire elven host voluntarily followed Ellowyn through the door with no hesitation. 
-=== Orcs Reborn === 
-When Mardac returned he found his love had traveled from this land to a place he could not follow as the Bronze Door was now closed. The elves were still being harried by demons that roamed the land and Mardac was not powerful enough to stop them all. It was then that he was visited by cloaked figure who claimed that he could help protect the elves, with no other options Mardac accepted. The stranger brought to Mardac a vast host of [[creatures:​orc|orcs]],​ changed from what they were like when first given life. Originally the orcs were agrarian and peaceful, these orcs had been changed by a dark spirit into powerful warriors. These orcs not only protected the elves, but guarded their surviving cities and hunted down the demons still left upon the world. 
-Unbeknownst to Mardac the stranger was [[Reik'​tunra]],​ one of the [[creatures:​Sha’rek’ta]],​ who was sleeping deep within the world until he was awakened by the presence of the gods. He was angered that these "​gods"​ stole the treasures of his people and drove off the [[creatures:​magi]] that they left as caretakers upon this world. As much as he hated the gods and their creations he hated the demons and their un-life more, so he worked to turn the gods own creations against all of them. Reik'​tunra used one of the [[great machines]] to draw forth the power of [[Miranda]] and change the orcs. The elves only saw the orcs as simple-minded warriors whose only duty was to protect them - they never saw the orcs as a poisoned dagger meant to kill them. 
-=== Night of Blood === 
-During this night the elves suffered as they had never suffered before or since. When [[atlas:​Ley]] was a [[wp>new moon]] Reik'​tunra turned on one of the great machines that remained hidden from the gods. This machine woke up the spirit of rage who dwelled upon [[atlas:​Lecia]],​ the same spirit he bound to the orcs. When the spirit of Lecia raged the moon turned as blood, great streaks of red lightning burned the world, and the orcs went berserk. The elves never had a chance to defend themselves as within moments orcish blades dripped with elven blood. During this night there was nobody left to defend them, Ellowyn had taken her Maiden Archers and warriors with her into the Infernal Realms and Mardac was currently hunting down some powerful demons with his best huntsmen. The elves could do nothing but flee or die and very few had the opportunity to flee. 
-When the orcish warriors with Mardac went berserk he quickly killed them losing only a few of his huntsmen. Fearing the worstm he quickly returned only to find the elven cities burning and the air filled with flies. Everywhere he went the scene was repeated and while he had killed many marauding orcs there were still tens of thousands of orcs remaining. When he reached [[atlas:​Ellendar]] he found a large number of elves had taken shelter in the woods under the protection of the [[Elder Tree]]. 
-What happened in those woods saved Ellendar and the elves sheltering there, but changed the elves forever. Mardac understood Lecia well as he had hunted many of her children upon this world, so he knew the power of her rage. He drew upon her power and tempered it with the strength of his own discipline to strengthen the elves that agreed to fight beside him. These elves were forever changed into ([[creatures:​elf#​dark elves|Dark Elves]]) - no longer part of the [[fae lands]] they would be forever bound to this world, unable to ever return home. Mardac led his followers into battle with vengeance in their eyes and for the first time since this nightmare began the orcs knew fear. 
-When the orc berserkers were defeated and their survivors scattered to the four corners of the world, many of the Dark Elves finally returned to [[atlas:​Ellendar]] for some much need solace, while Mardac continued to hunt down smaller warbands of orcs. Instead of being welcomed home, the Dark Elves found themselves forced to encamp outside of the forest. As the Dark Elf camp grew larger tensions began to rise and so it was only a matter of time before an incident happened, when it did several Dark Elves were killed. The Dark Elves immediately accused their kin in Ellendar and vowed revenge, while the other elves professed their innocence. What neither knew was that Reik'​tunra killed the Dark Elves to drive the elves to war with each other. 
-=== Ellowyn Returns === 
-The return of Ellowyn to this world was preceded by the [[Bronze Gate]] exploding. This explosion gave off so much power that this [[atlas:​blasted land|land]] remains blighted to this day. Ellowyn and those who followed her into the [[Infernal Realms]] who still survived left that blighted land and returned home. When she saw elves killing each other she ordered her Maiden Archers into battle once again as she saw the Dark Elves for what they were, twisted and evil. The Dark Elves were driven back from Ellendar, but they were so numerous that the Maiden Archers could not defeat them entirely. 
-When Mardac returned from fighting the last of the large orcish armies his heart broke. Those elves that gave everything for all elves were being killed by the warriors of his true love. Worse was when he saw Ellowyn herself in battle, frightening beautiful as she killed those who entrusted their lives to him. He went to confront her and stop the bloodshed, but it was too late for Ellowyn saw the corruption within him. She attacked him with all of her strength and drove him back. Rather than kill his beloved he gathered up the Dark Elves and ran into the wild lands, the Maiden Archers close upon his heels. 
-Over the next year he avoided fighting the Maiden Archers while he gathered up as many of his Dark Elves as he could find. Upon the [[atlas:​Reijah Plains]] he was finally trapped, surrounded by Ellowyn and her Maiden Archers. His final pleas for an end to this bloodshed fell upon deaf ears as they attacked. Rather than see one more drop of elven blood spilled he used his own life to open a portal to another [[atlas:​Jalajil|land]]. His Dark Elves carried out his last command to them and fled through the portal carrying his body with them. 
-===== Timeline ===== 
-{{tag>​timeline fw}}