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lore:classic_age [2016/09/18 15:54]
galacticcmdr created
lore:classic_age [2021/12/03 23:36]
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-====== Classic Age ====== 
-The **Classic Age** starts with the rise of the first [[creatures:​human]] civilizations. Those created by the [[lore:​gods]] or the unleashed chaos of magic during the [[lore:Age of Legends]] have been driven from most of the world, surviving only in the shadowed and isolated places. The world belongs to the children of the [[lore:​Magi]]. Chief among the children are the humans. 
-The gods and [[lore:​devils]] have returned to the world, but can no longer enter the world without unraveling all of existence. Instead they find receptive followers among the humans. Unique among the Magi's children, the spirits of humans were forged within the [[lore:​Shadow Realms]]. Each one contains only a spark, but in the thousands they are a bonfire. For all of mankind'​s existence these beings will seek to control and manipulate them. 
-===== Timeline ===== 
-Begins two-thousand (2,000) years after the creation of humans. 
-==== Y0-499 ==== 
-==== Y500-999 ==== 
-==== Y1000-1499 ==== 
-==== Y1500-1999 ==== 
-==== Y2000-2499 ==== 
-==== Y2500-2999 ==== 