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creatures:hashan [2013/02/18 02:42] external edit
creatures:hashan [2021/12/03 23:37]
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-====== Hashan ====== 
-Hashan appear as a cross between short humans and the legendary merfolk. Their webbed hands propel them effortlessly through the waters. The small oily hairs that cover their bodies help them swim and offer protection against the cold waters. They can hold their breathe for extended periods of time; although they must still surface for air as the deeper waters. Unlike the other races that may ply the seas for trade or conquest, a hashan is born and reared to the sea. 
-The hashan live by a simple code of the sea, even when they are land-bound, “Help those in trouble as you would like to be helped when in need.” Even to a race born in the sea its frightful power has been turned against them enough that they grant it the full respect it deserves. They extend this philosophy to much of the natural weather (i.e. snowstorms, tornadoes, sand spouts, etc.). 
-Hashans stand around 4½ feet tall with a small build. Their eyes, large and set far apart on their face, are a constantly shifting rainbow of colors from the deepest blue of the ocean to the light green of the shallow sea. Most hashans have brown and green mottled skin with very fine hair covering most of their body. Both the fingers and toes have a thin membrane of skin folded between their digits that helps them move effortlessly through the water. 
-Unlike fish, hashans must breathe air to survive. Most can go almost an hour between breaths; however, hard swimming or cold waters can shorten this time greatly. This is because instead of a single set of lungs, there are hundreds of small air sacs throughout the body. As an added benefit this keeps their body warm enough even in the cold northern waters.