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campaigns:the_slumber_years [2018/07/15 16:14]
campaigns:the_slumber_years [2018/07/16 02:39]
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 Outside the house is a bustling marketplace in a ramshackle city she does not remember. She feels the fear, anger, and rage of another invading her thoughts. She throws off its attack and turns to find herself facing a [[creatures:​manticore]] no bigger than a small dog. The creature struggles to drag her down, but it simply does not have the mass to knock Anne from her feet. Instead it tries to flee, but she corners it against a building. The creature surrenders and tells her it was ordered to bring her to where she belonged. Intrigued Anne follows the creature into the mist where once a building stood. Outside the house is a bustling marketplace in a ramshackle city she does not remember. She feels the fear, anger, and rage of another invading her thoughts. She throws off its attack and turns to find herself facing a [[creatures:​manticore]] no bigger than a small dog. The creature struggles to drag her down, but it simply does not have the mass to knock Anne from her feet. Instead it tries to flee, but she corners it against a building. The creature surrenders and tells her it was ordered to bring her to where she belonged. Intrigued Anne follows the creature into the mist where once a building stood.
-==== Halfwyn ​====+==== Hafwyn ​====
-[[people:Halfwyn]] suddenly wakes to find herself concealed in some ground covering looking over the aftermath of an ambush. Overturned carts, scattered crates of vegetables, and goblin bodies lying about - even the mules have been killed. Her bow was already in her hand, but she is still cautious when she slips from cover. The goblins were killed close in with axes, hammers, and knives. She sees tracks from about ten men leaving to the south.+[[people:Hafwyn]] suddenly wakes to find herself concealed in some ground covering looking over the aftermath of an ambush. Overturned carts, scattered crates of vegetables, and goblin bodies lying about - even the mules have been killed. Her bow was already in her hand, but she is still cautious when she slips from cover. The goblins were killed close in with axes, hammers, and knives. She sees tracks from about ten men leaving to the south.
-Following the tracks to the south she comes across a small farming village. Several score of goblin slaves tend to the fields and orchards watched by a handful of human overseers. A messenger on a lathered horse charges down a road to the village calling for the "Elder Pollet."​ An old man and two younger boys come from the longhouse to speak with the messenger. The story just begins when one of the men spots Halfwyn ​hiding in the grasses.+Following the tracks to the south she comes across a small farming village. Several score of goblin slaves tend to the fields and orchards watched by a handful of human overseers. A messenger on a lathered horse charges down a road to the village calling for the "Elder Pollet."​ An old man and two younger boys come from the longhouse to speak with the messenger. The story just begins when one of the men spots Hafwyn ​hiding in the grasses.
-Halwyn steps out and explains she was following a blood trail from an ambush in the woods. The men of the village slowly circle her and would have probably attacked except that several arrows fell among the group killing one of the young men. Halfwyn ​immediately ducked into the fields and zig-zagged away from the group. Several more arrows fell into the group of men before they were finally all behind cover. By then Halfwyn ​had circled completed around and caught the attackers unaware.+Halwyn steps out and explains she was following a blood trail from an ambush in the woods. The men of the village slowly circle her and would have probably attacked except that several arrows fell among the group killing one of the young men. Hafwyn ​immediately ducked into the fields and zig-zagged away from the group. Several more arrows fell into the group of men before they were finally all behind cover. By then Hafwyn ​had circled completed around and caught the attackers unaware.
-Halfwyn's arrow pinned one of the archers through the leg before they knew they were under attack. She drew her knife and closed in. Although outnumbered her attackers were wounded and would have been killed swiftly but suddenly everything stopped. ​Halfwyn ​could barely turn her head to see a rotund baby with a single eye in the center of its forehead waddle into the battle. ​Halfwyn ​is still in a muddled stupor as the creature leads her into the tall grasses.+Hafwyn's arrow pinned one of the archers through the leg before they knew they were under attack. She drew her knife and closed in. Although outnumbered her attackers were wounded and would have been killed swiftly but suddenly everything stopped. ​Hafwyn ​could barely turn her head to see a rotund baby with a single eye in the center of its forehead waddle into the battle. ​Hafwyn ​is still in a muddled stupor as the creature leads her into the tall grasses.
 ==== Keribrar ==== ==== Keribrar ====
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 **Quilate** has nothing but a large pair of feet with attached wings. A very small feathered head twisted sideways floating through a golden halo of light and it follows along on a slight breeze. Quilate names himself and tells them he is a jundari from the northeast. **Quilate** has nothing but a large pair of feet with attached wings. A very small feathered head twisted sideways floating through a golden halo of light and it follows along on a slight breeze. Quilate names himself and tells them he is a jundari from the northeast.
-**Halfwyn** is a two-dimensional [[creatures:​werewolf]] pulling itself off a tapestry with its bloody claws. There is a large rip in its chest from here it has already extracted itself. ​Halfwyn ​conceals herself as she prefers to be the hunter than hunted.+**Hafwyn** is a two-dimensional [[creatures:​werewolf]] pulling itself off a tapestry with its bloody claws. There is a large rip in its chest from here it has already extracted itself. ​Hafwyn ​conceals herself as she prefers to be the hunter than hunted.
 **Keribrar** is a thin glass statue filled with shifting and warring energy each battling for control and willing to destroy everything for domination. A featureless face appears to nearly form in the dominate energy before falling apart. Keribrar tells them his name and that he is lost in Mocker'​s Grove. **Keribrar** is a thin glass statue filled with shifting and warring energy each battling for control and willing to destroy everything for domination. A featureless face appears to nearly form in the dominate energy before falling apart. Keribrar tells them his name and that he is lost in Mocker'​s Grove.
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 As each of these forms nears the others there is a driving sense of correctness. When they all touch a bright and clear clarion rings out. Each knows that they belong as a part of something greater. They are not whole, but they are more than the sum of their parts. Other floating shapes nearby try to join with them but are rejected. As each of these forms nears the others there is a driving sense of correctness. When they all touch a bright and clear clarion rings out. Each knows that they belong as a part of something greater. They are not whole, but they are more than the sum of their parts. Other floating shapes nearby try to join with them but are rejected.
-A patchwork creature of fur, fire, and stone rushes forward from the back of the cave and tries to pull them apart. They recognize at least something of each other during that joining. A bond to find the others in reality forms before the creature scatters them back into reality. ​Halfwyn ​and Keribrar withstand the creatures power longer than the others and for a brief moment can hear that its cries and growls are twisted elven words before they are cast back as well.+A patchwork creature of fur, fire, and stone rushes forward from the back of the cave and tries to pull them apart. They recognize at least something of each other during that joining. A bond to find the others in reality forms before the creature scatters them back into reality. ​Hafwyn ​and Keribrar withstand the creatures power longer than the others and for a brief moment can hear that its cries and growls are twisted elven words before they are cast back as well.
 ===== Reality ===== ===== Reality =====
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 Keribrar steps back into the fork in the road, returns to Fountainhead,​ and drinks himself nearly unconscious. The struggle with the creature in the [[lore:​Caves of Chaos]] has left him with memories best buried under alcohol. Keribrar steps back into the fork in the road, returns to Fountainhead,​ and drinks himself nearly unconscious. The struggle with the creature in the [[lore:​Caves of Chaos]] has left him with memories best buried under alcohol.
-Halfwyn ​walks out of a grain field near fountainhead. It is not difficult the track Quilate to the Widows Wake and eventually speak with Donagal. For the right price Donagal tells her that the [[creatures:​jundari]] is going into the Shakkers Gang territory. ​Halfwyn ​ends up getting lost for a bit and forces her way into the territory of Holwen'​s Boys. She is battered bruised and more than just a little angry when she finally fights her way into the Shakkers.+Hafwyn ​walks out of a grain field near fountainhead. It is not difficult the track Quilate to the Widows Wake and eventually speak with Donagal. For the right price Donagal tells her that the [[creatures:​jundari]] is going into the Shakkers Gang territory. ​Hafwyn ​ends up getting lost for a bit and forces her way into the territory of Holwen'​s Boys. She is battered bruised and more than just a little angry when she finally fights her way into the Shakkers.
 Thorne arrives at the Watchers'​ House and finds Ollonni nearly subservient to him. He is "​honored"​ and "​grateful"​ to have one of the sidhe come to his establishment. He is giddy with excitement when Thorne pays the memory price. He grants him a fae-crafted key, the only of its kind, and tells him that any door leads to the house for him. Thorne has a nice visit with Lady Anne, even helping her with some of the bandages. He asks Ollonni to move the house next to a tavern so they could get a nice drink. Thorne arrives at the Watchers'​ House and finds Ollonni nearly subservient to him. He is "​honored"​ and "​grateful"​ to have one of the sidhe come to his establishment. He is giddy with excitement when Thorne pays the memory price. He grants him a fae-crafted key, the only of its kind, and tells him that any door leads to the house for him. Thorne has a nice visit with Lady Anne, even helping her with some of the bandages. He asks Ollonni to move the house next to a tavern so they could get a nice drink.
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 As the Shakkers charge the creature it begins to wreck havoc on their territory. Quilate searches the rubble and finds the key to the Watchers'​ House. He quickly snatches it up and flies towards where the key seems to pull him. He lands in a rapidly emptying street just as Thorne and Anne exit the house. Each of them immediately feel the connection reform. They don't know each other but they know they all experienced the Caves of Chaos. When Kenribrar staggered out of the tavern everyone knew that at least four of them were gathered. As the Shakkers charge the creature it begins to wreck havoc on their territory. Quilate searches the rubble and finds the key to the Watchers'​ House. He quickly snatches it up and flies towards where the key seems to pull him. He lands in a rapidly emptying street just as Thorne and Anne exit the house. Each of them immediately feel the connection reform. They don't know each other but they know they all experienced the Caves of Chaos. When Kenribrar staggered out of the tavern everyone knew that at least four of them were gathered.
-There is a agreement that first they have to deal with the ice giant destroying the town. Along the way Quilate notices the first of their number is trailing them at a distance. By the time they reach the chasm three more smaller creatures have formed and Halfwyn, the last of their number, has joined them.+There is a agreement that first they have to deal with the ice giant destroying the town. Along the way Quilate notices the first of their number is trailing them at a distance. By the time they reach the chasm three more smaller creatures have formed and Hafwyn, the last of their number, has joined them.
-Keribrar creates a temporary bridge allowing Lady Anne, Quilate, and Thorne to cross the chasm and battle the creatures. ​Halfwyn ​moves among the rubble firing arrows into cracks as the creature moves. Keribrar summons an earth elemental to shield his companions and crush anything it can reach. With the opening provided and the smaller creatures dealt with everyone pours everything they have in defeating the ice giant, which finally collapses into a rotting pile of bodies.+Keribrar creates a temporary bridge allowing Lady Anne, Quilate, and Thorne to cross the chasm and battle the creatures. ​Hafwyn ​moves among the rubble firing arrows into cracks as the creature moves. Keribrar summons an earth elemental to shield his companions and crush anything it can reach. With the opening provided and the smaller creatures dealt with everyone pours everything they have in defeating the ice giant, which finally collapses into a rotting pile of bodies.
 The gang territory has been flattened, but something is building up - everyone can feel it. Where the giant fell it feels as it all magic suddenly explodes outward leaving a spiritual void in its wake. Physically everything looks mostly the same, but there is an uneasiness or wrongness about this place. A place where the living are no longer welcome. The gang territory has been flattened, but something is building up - everyone can feel it. Where the giant fell it feels as it all magic suddenly explodes outward leaving a spiritual void in its wake. Physically everything looks mostly the same, but there is an uneasiness or wrongness about this place. A place where the living are no longer welcome.