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campaigns:a_thing_called_change [2018/10/02 03:29]
campaigns:a_thing_called_change [2018/10/03 01:12]
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 ==== Market ==== ==== Market ====
-After the petition Keribrar leaves Anne to escort Father Karl back to his encampment while he goes to the small elven community on the northeast edge of the market. [[people:​Alavara]],​ the priestess hunting Hafwyn, is likely to be found at the [[atlas:​Shady Tree]] tavern - a elven tavern. He reports that the [[creatures:​Dark Elf]] is not more. Alavara presses for more details, but he offers up only the truth that the Dark Elf is gone. She tells him that three days ago she felt a sharp pain from the [[lore:​Great Tree]]. This could be a sign of the creature'​s passing from this world into the darkness.+After the petitionKeribrar leaves Anne to escort Father Karl back to his encampment while he goes to the small elven community on the northeast edge of the market. [[people:​Alavara]],​ the priestess hunting Hafwyn, is likely to be found at the [[atlas:​Shady Tree]] tavern - a elven tavern. He reports ​to her that the [[creatures:​Dark Elf]] is not more. Alavara presses for more details, but he offers up only the truth that the Dark Elf is gone. She tells him that three days ago she felt a sharp pain from the [[lore:​Great Tree]]. This could be a sign of the creature'​s passing from this world into the darkness.
 She is worried about the number of [[creatures:​Sidhe]] in the city. She tries and recruit Keribrar to work for her, but he refuses. He wishes her no ill will, but he is already behind on several commissioned works. If he does not finish them soon he will have some very angry customers - the kind that come with knives to settle disputes. She offers him one of her guardsmen, but he kindly rejects her offer. She is worried about the number of [[creatures:​Sidhe]] in the city. She tries and recruit Keribrar to work for her, but he refuses. He wishes her no ill will, but he is already behind on several commissioned works. If he does not finish them soon he will have some very angry customers - the kind that come with knives to settle disputes. She offers him one of her guardsmen, but he kindly rejects her offer.
 +==== Techiuan Encampment ====
 +Thorne returns to the encampment set up by the [[orgs:​Followers of Techiuan]] and shows them the bronze knife-shaped thing some people were trying to hide in the King's chamber. Keribrar turns its over and notices a seam running the length of the "​blade"​ and works to try and pry it apart. It was clearly still semi-molten when pressed together and will take more than a chisel to crack. He takes it outside the encampment to prepare a space.
 +Hafwyn and Quilate agree to help Thorne with the meeting the next day and wish him a good night. Thorne returns to the Watchers'​ Inn and gets seriously drunk. In this relaxed state he tries and commune with the Aegrin'​s [[people:​Aegrin#​Silver Blade]], while Quilate and Hafwyn settle down into rooms they have in the encampment.
 +Outside of the encampment Keribrar sets up a makeshift stone furnace surrounded by a ward. For several hours he pulls in the heat of the earth to heat the furnace enough to loosen the bronze. He could melt the bronze easily, but this needs a more precise touch. Something goes wrong and the bronze knife cracks. Thick red-black oil leaks out and when it touches the fire explodes.
 +Hot stones are thrown everywhere tearing apart the furnace, unleashing the heat, and destroying the ward. In the center of the destruction is a deep red creature made of smoke and touched with flames. It immediately sprints towards the encampment, with Keribrar in hot pursuit - both of them leaping over the small palisade wall.
 +Quilate, seeing Keribrar chasing after a fiery thing, takes flight and speeds over. Keribrar manages to stop the creature from getting towards the main part of the encampment, but it is too quick for him to pin down. Several people have already fallen to the creature and he is hard pressed to keep others away. Luckily he does slow the creature enough for Quilate to dive on top of it. He uses the jade finger he recovered from the sleeping warrior which has unexpected results.
 +The creature disappears as the jade its it, turning the jade as black as night and cold to the touch. In a short time it becomes too cold for him to touch and so he drops it into his pouch, which starts coating with frost.
 +==== Assassin ====
 +Inside of Lady Anne's room the door moves slightly open - enough for an assassin to fire his crossbow. Lady Anne pitches over and tries to defend herself, but the [[creatures:​goblin]] assassin moves to her and drives his blade into her chest. Hafwyn sees the assassin as he tries to sneak out of Anne's room. The chase is brief and she brings the assassin down, clubbing him unconscious. After tying him up she runs to Anne's room to help, but it is already too late.
 +She calls for help and several of the Followers arrive just in before [[people:​Benevenuta]]. She organizes everyone and takes Lady Anne to the healing tent that have near the fountain. Father Karl arrives with the cup and pours the water over the wound. It was clearly poisoned and the water heals the flesh whole again. Next he forces her body to drink the water.
 +Some color returns to her, but her breathing is shallow and lips turn blue. Father Karl prays over her and says he will hold an all-night vigil. Hafwyn stays to watch over her fallen companion. Quilate and Keribrar hear the news and come inside the healing tent as well. The three of them drag the goblin assassin back to Anne's house to interrogate him.