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-====== Three Kingdoms ====== 
-The Three Kingdoms is a [[wp>​confederation]] of three territories created by treaty between the [[creatures:​elf|Elves]] of [[Ellendar]],​ [[people:​Yarrick]] a [[lore:​Dakarian]] high mage, and [[people:​Satrynus Corelius]] the commander of the III [[lore:​Silvicola Legion]]. Each of the parties agreed to a division of the lands along the western shore of the [[Caragan Sea]]. 
-Each "​kingdom"​ is run independently of the others; although the treaty does stipulate that each must come to the defense of the others against any attack. In practice this alliance has never been tested; although each of the kingdoms has a common enemy in [[Xian]]. 
-===== Statistics ===== 
-===== History ===== 
-During the height of the Xianese invasion there was no army strong enough in the [[Weatern Realms]] to stop their advance. The Irillian legions were collapsing or retreating back to their strongpoints and the majority of the elven army was deep in Irill. Animostiy between the elves of [[Ellendar]] and dwarves of [[Stoneheart Hold]] kept dwarven armies from assisting and kept some of the remaining elven warriors on their northern border for several weeks. King [[Reiner I]] of the [[Kingdom of Dakar]] had signed a treaty with Ellendar, but [[Reiner II]] now reigned. 
-As Ellendar became more desparate William, the leader of the largest independent tribe within Dakar'​s claimed borders, and Yarrick, a Dakarian High Mage, forged an alliance with [[people:​Lillarthi]] the elven warleader along Ellendar'​s northern border. He allowed William and Yarrick'​s combined followers to pass through the borders fo Ellendar, along with as many of his own warriors he could spare. 
-The Xianese army had beseiged the Irillian city of [[Valparia]] for the past two months and most of its strength was encamped around it. The combined army made contact with Satrynus Corelius, who agreed to their terms for the eventual surrender of his command. As Satrynus pulls his soldiers from the outer wall deeper into the city - the Xianese surged forward. While the Xian army was clearing the outer walls, the combined army attacked their flanks. 
-This attack turned the tide of the seige in favor of the Irillians, who attacked with renewed strength as the Xian army tried to turn to meet the new threat. The Xianese kuhani sacrificed hundreds of prisoners and opened a portal so that a [[creatures:​Child of Zarn]] could enter this world. This creature turned the battle once again as the Xianese gained heart seeing the power of their god. 
-Into this maelstrom charged Yarrick and two [[lore:​Maiden Archers]].While they shielded him from the Xianese, Yarrick did battle with this [[creatures:​angel]] of destruction. During the height of his battle he opened a portal to another plane and drove the angel through it. The Maiden Archers tried to reach him, but he pushed them back so that their lives might be spared. As the portal closed both Yarrick and the angel were gone. 
-So demoralized was the Xianese army that it immediately routed from the field of battle. Although none of the victors had the strength to pursue them, the two Maiden Archers who shielded Yarrick did capture the kuhani who summoned forth the angel and took him back with them to Ellendar. 
-That night William, Satrynus, and Lillarthi met in a tent on the middle of the battlefield. William accepted Satrynus'​ surrender; although he did not take possession of their battle standard. Instead, the three of them worked out the details of a treaty where all sides would hold lands needed so that the Xianese would never be able to move in such strength again. 
-With Yarrick gone, the remaining Dakarians sided with William - who was crowned king of the northern lands of the area now called the Three Kingdoms. 
-===== Geography ===== 
-The Three Kingdoms controls the territory running nearly the entire western shore of the Caragan Sea. The only other nations to have a presence on this coastline are the Elven City of Mordkina to the north, and the Dolmar Protectership to the south. This is in marked contrast to its width, which in only a four hundred kilometers at its widest point. 
-Unlike the other lands that were conquered by the Xianese, their priests never got a chance to work their slash and burn campaign upon the lands now called the Three Kingdoms. This means the Three Kingdoms has maintained the lush rolling hills that are the hallmark of the western most lands of the Realms. 
-The land is very fertile, making it exceptional for farming and herding. There are enough trees to support an extensive logging industry, with elven foresters ensuring that too many trees are not harvested. Small rivers and feeder lakes are scattered around, most of them flowing into the Caragan, and kept constantly fed by underground springs. However, that is one of the few problems - there are a great deal of gemstone mines, but the ground is so loose and moist that even the dwarves only mine a few areas. 
-===== Politics ===== 
-While it would seem that the ruling houses control each city, this is not true. In reality, the government controls the city and the ruling houses act as rubberstamps for their policy. It’s true that only a single member from each ruling house staffs the highest council of the government, but this council is mostly just for show. Nominally they control the direction of the government, but there is little doubt that if something should go wrong with the government, there is little they could do to stop it. 
-=== Guardians === 
-This is the title bestowed upon the rulers of Antino and Summerset. It basically states that the ruler of each of these states is responsible for protecting the nation. The ruler of Antino is typically called the Guarding of the North, while the ruler of Summerset is the Guardian of the South. In recent years, this title has actually been given to the military marshal in command of each city’s army. 
-==== Foreign Relations ==== 
-=== Kingdom of Dakar === 
-//Main Article: [[Kingdom of Dakar]]// 
-It was during the reign of King [[people:​Reiner II]] that the Three Kingdoms was founded. The influence of the [[creatures:​dwarf|dwarves]] of [[Stoneheard Hold]] was being felt in the growing power of the [[lore:​Temple of Light]]. The temple had just begun declaring the practice of witchcraft and wizardry as heretical to the gods - punishable by osterization. When the King turned his back on the treaty his father signed with the elves, it was the outcasts and answered the elves call and marched south to help fight the [[lore:​Xianese]]. 
-After this outcast army helped drive back the Xianese, Reiner II claimed the land rights afforded to him under the treaty. The elves, with most of their army locked in battle with the Holy Irillian Empire to the east could do little to stop him. Over the years the animosity between the three parties has not gone away, but neither side wishes to start a war over past grudges. Trade does flow between the Three Kingdoms and Dakar, but the people of these lands still look upon the Dakarians with distrust - and the feeling is mutual. 
-=== Dolmar Protectorship === 
-//Main Article: [[Dolmar Protectorship]]//​ 
-The [[lore:​Dolmarii]] were slaves brought up from Irillian holdings on [[Aquanius]] to fight for their masters. They were used as light auxiliary troops havily labor for the legions. As the Empire began to falter the dolmarii in the [[Selcaria|Selcarian Province]] revoted against their masters and occupied their forts, including the important sea port of [[Chiapparo]]. Neither Ellendar, Xianese, or Irillians had the strength to capture the forts and without exposing themselves to counter-attack - so the Dolmarii were able to hold on to their gains. 
-The Elven Confederate borders the Dolmarii lands and now fully supports them with both trade and treaty. This Protectorship has proven beneficial in curbing any appetite the Selcarians have for new conquest as well as exposing any Xianese army with an threat on their southern flank. The Dolmarii likewise see a beneficial relationship with the Three Kingdoms; although they find the elves very strange. 
-=== Ellendar === 
-//Main Article: [[Ellendar]]//​ 
-There is no nation, elven or otherwise, that enjoys a closer relationship with Ellendar. The former Dakarians of the Three Kingdoms came to the aid of Ellendar when it was near destruction by the Xianese. The Three Kingdoms have the largest population of elves found anywhere outside of [[Elven Lands]]. In fact, many elven scholars travel to the Three Kingdoms to talk with their city kin. 
-This gives the Three Kingdoms almost an exclusive trading deal with Ellendar. This means that merchants from the Three Kingdoms are typically the only other people to sell elven goods. Since Ellendar dislikes conducting the small business of trade with nations they still do not trust, this works for the benefit of all concerned. Ellendar trade more to the Three Kingdoms than they could normally purchase, and the Three Kingdoms can resell those goods for considerable profit. 
-=== Free Cities === 
-//Main Article: [[Free Cities]]// 
-The Free Cities is just a region south of [[Selcaria]] of cities and lands independent of any larger control. Each cities or land is beholden to no other and in fact only controls as much lands as the swords of its mercenaries and militias can reach. Any treaty would be worthless as control of any land rarely lasts even a single generation. Trade with the lords of the Free Cities does flow heavily as much of their economy is based upon large amounts of trade for the mineral wealth of the southlands. 
-=== Irillian Empire === 
-//Main Article: [[Irill]]// 
-Although there can occasionally be high level saber rattling between Irill and the Three Kingdoms, the barrier of the [[Caragan Sea]] stops any real thoughts of attack by either party. Indeed the large number of merchant vessels that dock in each other ports keeps the merchant guilds very happy. It is unlikely that the Three Kingdoms would come to the military assistance of Irill, but during the [[lore:​Valley of the Sun war]] with the Dakarians warships of the Three Kingdoms shepherded Irillian merchant vessels on the Caragan Sea to keep Dakarian warships from sinking them; although they have offered the same courtesy to Dakarian'​s merchant fleet. 
-=== Xian === 
-//Main Article: [[Xian]]// 
-The Three Kingdoms [[wp>​Raison d'​être]] is to stop the Xianese from reaching the Caragan Sea and isolating Ellendar. Any trade that flows between these lands is the result of smuggling as both nations make any contact illegal. The practice of [[lore:​Zarnism]] is punishable by death; although behind simply an adherent of [[lore:​Zarn]] or an [[lore:​Ikanbo tribe|Ibanbo]] is not. 
-==== Military ==== 
-===== Economy ===== 
-The Three Kingdoms have a great deal of trade goods that flow through their ports. This is wealth is further enhanced by the only trade route west of the Caragan runs through all three of their major cities. The cities maintain this road in excellent condition, including the addition of hostels along the route, as it’s a major source of tax revenue. 
-To further increase their wealth, the land is so fertile the Three Kingdoms can export a great deal of grain and meat, they are second only to the amount of food Dakar exports; although meat from the Three Kingdoms is considered far superior, which is reflected in the higher cost. 
-Overall, their economy is expanding at a very healthy rate with a mixed bag of imported goods, exported food, and tax revenues from the ports and hostels. The Three Kingdoms is not as rich as Dakar or Irill, but it has enough money to provide for its defense and care for its people. 
-=== Bureaucracy === 
-Some would say the number one employer within the city is the massive bureaucracy that maintains a stranglehold over the economy. Originally started by the ruling houses as a method to keep control of each segment of the population, it has grown until it’s the bureaucracy that has control over the ruling houses. This government is the largest employer in the city, running everything from tax collection to license branches. 
-The government ensures that each ruling house gets their proper tithe from the taxes, pays the people that work for them, then doles out the remainder of the money to different special causes according to their established budget. Some of this goes to building housing for the poor, government buildings, loans to the banks, and entitlements to special interest groups. 
-To further supplement the governments spending they can issue interest bonds to the ruling houses and more wealthy merchants. These get paid back over a long time with additional interest payments - its not much interest, but it is guaranteed. 
-=== Committees === 
-Some would say the plethora of committees and councils is a pox upon the entire nation, while others would argue that they stop the slid into barbarism. There are easily hundreds of committees and sub-committees within each of the major city. In addition, most of these committees are comprised of members drawn from various guilds and organizations. 
-If you wish to do just about anything within the city there are typically two or more guilds that will offer you membership - and at least a few committees that you must obtain permits from, including yearly updates. Each of these guilds has a fee that they use to support the people that lobby the committee on your behalf. Then each committee requires the payment of a filing fee, then an additional permit fee if the application is accepted. 
-This adds a great deal to the cost of any business, but maintains the number of each business that can operate legally within the city. This also has the side effect of keeping many of the businesses honest, as a few honest complaints from a buyer could get their permit revoked. In general, its considered a good policy that has grown way out of control. 
-===== Demographics ===== 
-The people of the Three Kingdoms take a great deal of pride in their nation and its accomplishments,​ including all of their laws. They relish their independence from the oppressive nature of nobles, even as they wade through the thousands of minor laws that govern their lives. Some would find this very strange, but to someone from the Three Kingdoms anything else would be uncivilized. 
-Most of the populace is Realm humans; although there is a great deal of non-human races and other human stock. The largest elven community outside of Ellendar is located with the Three Kingdoms. The last census taken of the people showed that just slightly more than half of the population are humans, while the rest are of some non-human race, with elves commanding over fifty percent of the non-humans. 
-==== Religion ==== 
-In a similar fashion as Irill, the Three Kingdoms have not established any official religion; instead, allowing worship of just about any religion. While not every religion currently has a temple or shrine located in the city, this is typically due to their petition being trapped somewhere in committee. 
-=== Religious Council === 
-This committee is comprised of one member from each of the established religions. When a new religious figure wishes to construct a temple within the city or surrounding area they must petition the council. If, after a great deal of consultation,​ the council agrees to the petition they will turn the petition over to the ruling house with their approval. 
-If approved the new religion can then begin construction of their temple, according to the plans drawn up by a certified engineer of the state in accordance to the needs of the religion, which were submitted in their initial proposal. This means that it can be a very expensive process to start a new religion; however, those religion backed by a considerable following can be easily found within the city. 
-==== Magic ==== 
-Magic is very much a part of everyday life in the Three Kingdoms. Although there are more academies in the Free States, most of these are located in remote areas of that nation. In the Three Kingdoms, the magical academies are built within the city proper. The three major cities have anywhere form two to six different academies, with many smaller shops scattered about where masters teach their apprentices. 
-===== Culture ===== 
-The magicians that fled their waning influence in Dakar had the most influence on the growth of culture in the Three Kingdoms. They saw the way the greed of the nobility undercut the true purpose of any society, often resulting in laws being passed not based on need, but for the benefit of the nobility. For this reason, the magicians created a council that would rule the Three Kingdoms. To appease the nobility, they would  be the only members sitting on the ruling council - but the magicians knew they would lose interest in time and leave the real day-to-day rulership to others. As long as every noble received their proper tithe few wanted to actually rule their lands. 
-This has created a culture with nobility, but without the rule of nobles. The first act of the council was to draw up a list of the rights for each of it citizens. This would stop most of the rampages the nobility have on society, for they could no long just beat someone in the street for any reason - they must bring them before a court of law. 
-This list also included the right to independently publish, to worship the deity of choice, and the right to a court hearing of illegal acts. Over time this list has expended to the point that the creation of lawyers were necessary to understand the law. No matter how backwards this seems to the natural rule of nobility, the people of the Three Kingdoms have been known to fiercely defend their rights. 
-===== Holdings ===== 
-Why William called this nation the Three Kingdoms is a mystery, but there are some scholarly guesses. The most discussed reason is in reference to the three major cities that comprise the nation. Each city is the capitol of one of the three states that comprise this nation. However, when William took control of the land, Valparia was the only true city; the others were nothing more than extensive garrison forts near some villages. 
-A second reason could be in reference to the three original rulers of those cities-states. William took Valparia and declared it the true capitol of the Three Kingdoms. He gave Antonio command of the northern garrison, whose troopers renamed the fort in honor of their commander. Lauriel was given command of the southern garrison, who renamed it according to an ancient elven peacemaker. 
-=== Antino === 
-The most northern city in the Three Kingdoms, this city still looks very much like the garrison fort it grew from. The dwarven stoneworkers that built the walls and larger garrison consider it some of their best work outside of the Stronghold. The granite was brought in from the Stronghold rather than using the more inferior kind found farther south. 
-Except for the "​Mystic Swords"​ most the best soldiers and mercenary troops are housed in Antino. While this may seem strange to keep them in one place, Antino has the best training facilities and weapons masters of anywhere in the Three Kingdoms. Therefore, even those garrison troops stationed elsewhere rotate through Antino for their advanced training. 
-=== Summerset === 
-This summer city easily tops Valparia for simple square footage of space, but most of that is spent in parks and gardens. The building resembles most open and pasture concepts, with even the smaller townhouse have a central garden. This has become so popular than many of the new engineers in the south are duplicating the efforts used here. 
-In addition, most of the best artists, writers, and scholars with the Three Kingdoms have flocked to this city. Unlike other cities, Summerset, does not levy taxes against its citizens pursuing enhancement of the arts. This one law brings the tax base of business to almost nothing - blacksmiths have become Steel Artists, while tanners are non-traditional painters. 
-To keep this, easily abused law, somewhat under control the taxmen visit each business once a year to document that business contribution to the art and beauty of the city. Those found wanting are not only taxed, but fined heavily to representing themselves as true artists. 
-=== Valparia === 
-The largest city in the Three Kingdoms, Valparia serves as the royal seat. Although each state is given some freedom to govern itself, the King or Queen that sets upon the throne can override their decisions. Valparia is actually in two sections. The first section is the old city that was mostly destroyed by the &​quot;​Child of Zarn&​quot;​ It is considered a very dangerous area and only those without homes stay overnight within its crumbling walls. The newer part of the city was built in honor of King William. 
-Valparia has an unnaturally deep port, created by several magicians that can support the huge dromands. In addition, the wizards created weather barriers large enough to support many small businesses that serve a captain’s need. Aside from this, Valparia is well known as having the largest elven population outside of Ellendar. There are several city blocks that have been given over to the elves as an area of slightly modified self-rule. 
-=== The Obelisk === 
-This white marble obelisk juts at a small angle from the top of a rather steep hill. It appears to have no chipping marks, age lines, and is resistant to all forms of damage. Although the obelisk sits atop the ground, nobody has been able to tip it over - this is especially interesting because the slight angle should make the task easier. Neither the dwarves nor elves know when the Obelisk was constructed;​ although the elven history makes references to the strange obelisk in their oldest writings. 
-The obelisk stands just a bit over two meters tall, with a wide base that tapers towards the tip. There is gold inlayed lettering on each side that reads off the direction of each cardinal point. Above this is some sundial-type of system that doesn’t appear to work. 
-=== Port of Valparia === 
-Technically the port is considered part of the city, but it is so unique that it has become a major landmark. Located on the southern most tip of the city, the port is one of the largest on the Caragan. However, what really make this port unique is that it is the deepest port anywhere on the realms. There has been no magical or mundane method that has determined where the bottom is located. Every effort to locate the bottom has found nothing. 
-What is known is that something is down there. Any attempt to send an elemental or magically protected mortal has resulted in the creature never returning. The merfolk that inhabit the inner sea won’t go very deep -considering the place to be a spot of great hunger. To date, whatever is down there has never upset the ships that maek port here. 
-{{tag>​nation western_realms miran human elf}}