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atlas:kresh [2013/09/06 18:03]
atlas:kresh [2021/12/03 23:36]
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-====== Kresh ====== 
-Located along the northern ridges of the [[Abjurer Mountains]],​ Kresh is not a [[wp>​Nation State]] as many of the nations on [[Miran]] are becoming. Instead it is land currently occupied by escaped [[lore:​Karellian]] slaves that the [[Turan]] brought to the eastern shore of Miran when they conquered the [[lore:​Carthins]]. While a few other slaves have also come into the mountains seeking shelter, the majority of the population are Karellians. 
-===== Statistics ===== 
-  * **Capitol:​** None 
-  * **Languages:​** [[lore:​languages#​Sankar]];​ [[lore:​languages#​Turanian]] 
-  * **Demonym:​** [[lore:​Karellian]] or Kreshin 
-  * **Government:​** Per Holding 
-  * **Monarch:​** Venerable Master (unoccupied since 375 AH) 
-  * **Area:** xx km<​sup>​2</​sup>​ 
-  * **Population:​** xx 
-  * **Currency:​** xxx 
-===== History ===== 
-The lands the Karellian slaves claimed as their own is named for the [[Kreshian Valley]] that runs through this mountainous region. Over the long history of Miran, several [[creatures:​human]] cultures have settled in this valley known for its rich farmland and ample rivers. None of these cultures survived due to the [[Jula Volcano]] and the north-north-east running [[wp>​Fissure Vents]]. Aside from ash and magma caused by the eruptions the water and sky are often poisoned by [[wp>​Volcanic gas]]. 
-When the first Karellian slaves fled into these lands they had been inhabited by humans for hundreds of years as the [[lore:​Carthins]],​ who once lived on the plains now occupied by the Turanians, considered the land evil and cursed. While the Turanians cared little for the customs of the primitive Carthins, the land was ill-suited to their horsemen that they employed to chase down slaves. The mountains gave the slaves plenty of caves in which to hide and good sources of both water and vegetation. 
-As more Karellian slaves arrived the first villages were constructed. The Karellians fears being taken as slaves by the Turanians, so the villages were built high in the mountains. The Karellians used crevices, ropes, bridges, and simplistic elevators to move from the farms on the valley floor to the mountains. It was in these villages where the Karellians rebuilt their culture that the Turanians worked so hard to destroy. 
-==== Turaning Campaign ==== 
-In early Summer of 360 [[lore:AH]] Prince Imad Nahas, who rules the most northern [[wp>​principality]],​ was politically forced to attack Kresh and recapture the Karellian slaves. It was a disaster as there is only a single passage into the valley wide enough to move large numbers of soldiers and their train. The Karellians caused landslides to break up Turanian columns and struck from hidden caves along their route. 
-What eventually caused the most widespread destruction was the use of chemical warfare by the Karellians. They had learned to use the gasses that had so plagued the previous people that settled into these valleys. Most of the gasses simple caused the recipient'​s eyes to water, but a few caused choking or even death. The most devastating where those that would burst into flames upon contact with fire. 
-Heedless of their losses, Prince Imad pushed his soldiers up the valley, often breaking off smaller companies to secure the flanks. There are dozens of smaller valleys that all empty into the central valley, each one could give the Karellians the chance to flank his army. 
-From 360 - 363 Prince Imad's army constructed keeps along the valley to secure his supply train. In addition, most of the commanders built smaller [[wp>​ramparts]] to protect their own soldiers. In the late Summer of 363 AH, the army began the first to three attempts to push up the mountains and sack the Karellian villages. The first push resulted in a line of small wooden keeps nearly one-quarter (1/4) of the way to the village before an early winter stopped their progress. 
-As soon as the winter broke in 364 AH, the army continued to move up the mountain. Each week their losses mounted from the dangerous terrain of the mountain to ambushes by the Karellians. In late Summer 365, Prince Imad brought in additional troops and immediately force marched them up the mountain so they could link up with the troops already holding the uppermost line. It was a disaster as winter struck early the the new soldiers were ill-equipped for freezing mountainous conditions. 
-In 366 a broken army came down from the mountains. Less than ten-percent (10%) of the army remained and none were without serious injuries. The large Karellian villages on the mountains had not only survived, but only a few of the smallest holdings on the lee side of the mountain were even attacked. By 368 Prince Imad had met with the Karellians and arranged for his organized withdrawal from the valley. Only 25% of Prince Imad's army was left when he finally returned to his lands. He was forced to leave intact all of the keeps he had built to support his campaign, including the large [[#Yakari Keep]] that sits atop of the river [[wp>​escarpment]] bridging the waterfall that cascades unto his lands. 
-The defeat was costly in other ways as well. In 375 Prince Imad and his family were publicly beheaded for their failure to capture the slaves. In addition, the family lineage has been considered cursed, forcing their relatives elsewhere to denounce them as in-league with devils and their demonic servants. Those few members of the family that did not have strong enough political support fled rather than be killed. 
-==== Five Masters ==== 
-The Turanian campaign was not a complete victory for the Karellians. The venerable master who was their spiritual leader was killed during a night raid on a smaller village. While rumors persist the attack was actually carried out by one of the [[#Five Masters]], most accept that it was Turanian scouts that killed him. With the death of the Venerable Master tradition holds that the Five Masters that served under him would meet and select a new Venerable Master. 
-That meeting as yet to take place, instead each of the Masters left that mountain and vowed to never return. When they left, their disciples and their families came with them, leaving behind those that large number of scholars and musicians that worked at the temple. The First Village still survives although it is mostly used as a religious retreat for those seeking enlightenment. None of the Masters can return to claim the title of Venerable Master or risk breaking oaths that bind them and all those that follow them. 
-===== Geography ===== 
-The highest part of the Abjurer Mountains is located in a large spur in the north-east. The peaks rise high into the sky often shrouded in clouds, while the valleys cut deep enough to support streams, lakes, and herd animals. It’s a dangerous land of predators, volcanic tremors, bitter cold, and icy winds. However, the snow-capped mountains are considered quite beautiful during the dusk and twilight. 
-==== Statue of Azekial Haziem ==== 
-Considered the father of modern enlightenment,​ it was Azekial that first obtained enlightenment. It was his words that set the Kreshites upon their path, a path that has brought them closer to their goal. However, it was his words about opening up their belief to others through both thought and action that was considered his greatest achievement. Currently, over half of all people that now consider themselves Kresh come from lands other than Turan. 
-==== The Five Guardians ==== 
-The Tiger (Fire), Ram (Earth), [[creatures:​Qilin]] (Metal), Serpent (Water), and Monkey (Wood) - these are the five guardians along the path to true enlightenment. The Tiger represents strength, the Ram is determination,​ the Qilin is humility, the Serpent is power, and the Monkey is clever. Upon the death of one of the Five Master their disciples will gather before the guardians and stay there for five (5) days. On sunset of the fifth day the guardians will choose a new Master. 
-===== Politics ===== 
-==== Government ==== 
-Kreshites have no true leadership. Instead, each dojo maintains its own path from Student to Master. The status of each dojo varies as each rises or falls in strength upon the strength of its masters. 
-=== Masters === 
-The masters are those that have reached the next step on their own path to enlightenment. They know enough answers to understand the questions they have not yet uncovered. Like all other Kresh, they are constantly learning and seeking to uncover their own stumbling blocks of their view. Masters will often oversee the teaching of the students; although as the dojo grows a master may just teach the disciple who then teaches the students. 
-=== Disciples === 
-Most Kreshites are disciples. A disciple is someone that has gained the basic tools of understanding,​ but has not yet gained the mastery over their own enlightenment. They can further their own understanding by understanding the founding principles of their dojo, teaching the students, or even travelling among the humans throughout the world. 
-=== Students === 
-The students are those that have not yet mastered the five basic truths. Many people spend years gaining enough understanding to become a disciple, while others seem partially on the path before they reach Kresh. Some students will leave Kresh in disgust if they find they cannot master the basic techniques - it is just not yet time for their understanding. 
-==== Foreign Relations ==== 
-=== Turan === 
-//Main Article: [[Turan]]// 
-The Turanians have waged a religious war against the Kreshites for hundreds of years. Once tolerant of their belief, the Followers of Uhl have become so blinded by faith that they can no longer see the truth of Uhl. Some Kreshite disciples and masters still travel the lands of Uhl, offering what assistance they can. However, any Kreshite priest caught by the Followers of Uhl is put to death - typically burned alive or drawn and quartered. 
-=== Carthins === 
-//Main Article: [[Carthia]]//​ 
-The Kreshites have a great deal of respect for the Carthins. They see the journey they were forced to make over the Abjurer Mountains as one of personal sacrifice. Through this sacrifice they were able to throw off the bindings of their previous life and achieve their own internal harmony. Many Kresh travel the Carthin lands, often relying on their martial skills to gain respect from the local tribe. Then they may stay with them and learn their ways, since learning and understanding is often the path to enlightenment. 
-=== Kithkin === 
-//Main Article: [[Kith]]// 
-The Kresh consider the Kithkin to be where the Carthins were several generations ago. They have achieved the first few steps towards enlightenment with the understanding that the spirits of their ancestors are the truth. However, they have not fully understood that their spirits are also part of their ancestors. Unlike the Carthins, the souls of the Kithkin are not part of the Kresh - a Kithkin soul is part of the Kithkin Kresh. 
-However, the Kreshites have several masters and disciples among the Kithkin. They teach them the philosophy behind the martial skills the Kithkin desire. Although the path to enlightenment is very different from humans to kithkin, the priests that travel among the kithkin are trying to begin the long journey the kithkin must make to their own fulfilment. 
-=== Red Wolves === 
-//Main Article: [[Red Wolves]]// 
-Like the kithkin, the orcs have their own Kresh, or enlightened state, that they must achieve for spiritual perfection. However, unlike the kithkin who have begun along this path, the orcs of the Red Wolves have never started. Unlike their western cousins the eastern orcs are more aggressive, forging a bond with the other races of the Abjurer. Several Kreshite priests have been killed when they wouldn’t teach their “warrior art” to the orcs; however, some Kresh have traveled to these dangerous lands seeking their own enlightenment. 
-==== Military ==== 
-They have no military; however, it would be foolish for anyone to try force against Kresh. Their constant training in martial arts has expanded their fighting capability to a point beyond all other nations. They constantly practice; it’s a part of their daily ritual, to keep the perfection of their body in sync with the understanding of their mind. 
-===== Economy ===== 
-The Kreshites have a simple closed agrarian economy in its purest sense. The people raise sheep and goats for their meat, skin, and wool. However, most of their diet is comprised of fish, tubers, and other vegetables. Students and disciples are expected to work in the gardens and small fields. This is just another step towards their own understanding of their true nature. Everything the Kresh need they can provide. 
-The Kreshites have no real external economy. While several nations and mercenary companies have offered everything from gold to furniture to teach their soldiers the Kresh martial arts, no dojo has so turned their back on the ways of enlightenment. The study of martial arts is an exercise in training the body and protecting a travelling priest - it is not used for war and indiscriminate killing. 
-===== Demographics ===== 
-The Kreshites were originally Turanians; however, most of the student in the past few generations have come from the western nations. Most of the masters are still Turanian, since it takes many years to become a disciple, and many never obtain the rank of master. In accordance, the most common language spoken in Kresh is Turanian; although many of the dojos have their own side language to convey very complex thoughts to a written language. 
-==== Religion ==== 
-Although more philosophy than religion, it is the driving force that holds Kresh together. The Kresh believe that all things are part of the same spirit, it is from their spirit that humans draw their strength and perseverance from - in into which they shall return the sum of their knowledge and experience. When the human spirit reaches its highest form it will then transcend its form and proceed to a higher plane of reality. 
-To this end, each Kreshite must achieve the highest enlightenment for their spirit so that the day of transcendence can arrive. Many have also seen their own enlightenment mirrored in complete perfection of their mind and body as well, so that they may always have the strength to seek the path that often seems fraught with danger. 
-The Kresh cannot teach a non-human as each sentient creature has its own kresh, or celestial spirit. The path to their kresh is unique for each race. Several dojos have begun to study the other race’s kresh in the hopes of furthering the understanding of their own kresh. This is a difficult task, but often the most difficult road is the most interesting. 
-==== Magic ==== 
-Many have debated exactly how the Kreshites do the things they do. Shattering stone with their fists, moving faster than normal sight, and deflecting swords off their bare skin. Sure, every Kreshite disciple cannot accomplish these superhuman tasks, but their masters can do many of these things and so much more. 
-Many magicians and clerics have travelled to Kresh to study their ways and unlock their mysteries. While most returned home completely unsure, others learned their teachings and have stayed on to become a Kreshite. The only thing they all agree on is that a Kreshite’s ability is neither magical, divine, or infernal - it appears to be something that defies explanation. 
-===== Culture ===== 
-There are no actual cities, most of the people live in small villages. However, there are large dojos where the people travel to learn, teach, and practice. The name of each dojo is the style of martial art they teach to achieve enlightenment. Aside from being a fighting style, their martial arts are teaching tools and closely follow the philosophy of the dojo. In this manner a student studies philosophy while perfecting their body and enlightening their soul. 
-==== Brothers of Fire ==== 
-While the Brothers of Fire are completely opposite in thinking to the White Crane, they are both seeking the same goal. However, instead of approaching the goal through self-examination,​ the Brothers of Fire believe in tearing down all learned preconceptions and then building your soul anew. This is typically done while surrounded by fire, masters have been known to set fire to their own bodies to rid themselves of all current preconceptions. The fire represents the destruction of the current in order to give birth to the new. 
-==== White Crane ==== 
-One of the oldest dojos, the White Crane is founded on the principals of enlightenment through long periods of self-examination. As such, many of the newer people attracted to learning from the Kreshites have found inner peace with other schools. It is not rare to find a White Crane sitting with two buckets of water on their head over a bed of coals contemplating their own existence. 
-==== Sky Dancers ==== 
-Their dojos are located high in the mountains, such that few people could survive the trip. Those that do will find one of the most spartan of dojos. Mostly comprised of whip-thin columns covered with flags, ribbons, and chimes in a dizzying array. The Sky Dancers believe that enlightenment is best achieved by denying focused thought, instead rely on the body, soul, and mind to act as one. As such, a Sky Dancer doesn’t walk as much as glide across the ground, their entire body in motion. 
-===== Holdings ===== 
-Originally the people of Kresh were small enough in number they could live in the open and meet together to teach others what they have learned. However, as their numbers increased it became necessary to set up a school where all students could learn. These dojos became a home and school for the students. They learned their letters and number, studied the mantras, and even began their own internal questioning. 
-As the number of masters grew they often disagreed on the best way to put a student upon the path of their own enlightenment. These masters eventually split off from the main dojo and began their own. Over time hundreds of dojos have been formed, some are still successful while others withered after their master passed on. Those that withered often merged with other dojos, creating a completely different philosophy. 
-{{tag>​nation eastern_jewels miran}}