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atlas:eleleno [2013/10/01 04:52]
jundara [Culture]
atlas:eleleno [2021/12/03 23:36]
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-====== Eleleno ====== 
-The Kingdom of Eleleno was carved out of the wilderness of southern Selcaria by Eleleno the Lion, the sixth son of minor Irillian Senator. With his father'​s backing, Eleleno had spent eight years as a mercenary lord before returning home and discovering that the eldest brother had lost the family holdings in a private war with a powerful Senator. Eleleno gathered up the loyal family retainers who survived and left for Selcaria to rebuild the family name. 
-<WRAP right box 300px> 
-<wrap centeralign>//​**Eleleno**//</​wrap>​ 
-map region 
-map world 
-| **Capitol** ​ | [[Elelenii]] ​ | 
-| **Official Languages(s)** ​ | [[lore:​languages#​Irillian]] ​ | 
-| **Regional Languages(s)** ​ | many  | 
-| **Demonym** ​ | Elelenan ​ | 
-| **Government** ​ | Hereditary Monarchy ​ | 
-| **Monarch** ​ | [[people:​Eleleno I]]  | 
-| **Area** ​ | 6,500 km²  | 
-| **Population** ​ | 50,​000 ​ | 
-| **Currency** ​ | Aureus \\ Denarius \\ Sestertius \\ Dupondius \\ As  | 
-===== History ===== 
-Like many of the lands south of [[Selcaria]],​ the Kingdom of Eleleno holds its border on its strength of arms alone. The lands of Eleleno were once held by the [[lore:​Bearfoot Tribe]] and [[lore:​Eagle Claw]] tribe of the [[lore:​Pah]]. The Bearfoot tribe lived around the [[Tibbs River]] valley, while the Eagle Claw mostly occupied the rolling hills south of the [[Ivir River]]. These two tribes had been at peace with each other for three generations and the Bearfoots would have completed absorbed the Eagle Claw if [[people:​Ugo Eleleno]] had not arrived with his mercenary army. 
-Eleleno had pushed back the Eagle Claw from the north side of the Ivir river long enough for him to build a [[wp>​motte bailey]] protected by a wooden [[wp>​palisade]]. Protected by both the river and their walls, the Irillian mercenaries repulsed multiple attacks by the Pah. When Eleleno returned to Irill to hire more mercenaries both of the Pah tribes attacked together, destroying the settlement and burning the it to the ground; however the tribes lost most of their warriors. When Eleleno returned with more mercenaries as well as his loyal retainers, the Pah no longer had the warriors to contest this incursion. 
-From this single settlement Eleleno extended northwest using the Ivir River to protect his flank and keep the Pah at bay. Along his route his men built wooden palisades. Each of these were left guarded by a small number of his personal retainers. When he reached a clear ford in the Ivir River he crossed it before wheeling his men about. Now as he swept the southern bank of the Ivir, the line of palisades protected his left flank. Within only two years of campaigning he controlled the entire Ivir Valley and the rich pastures to its north. The Pah were forced to sue for peace on very favorable terms for the newly crowned King Eleleno. 
-For fifteen years the sides existed peacefully as neighbors. The Eagle Claw tribe had been absorbed into the Bearfoot while King Eleleno continued to bring in settlers and armed retainers to consolidate his lands. Trade was beginning to flow between the two nations until word of a silver mine in the Yemi Valley. The Yemi was an area southwest of the Ivir River claimed by the Bearfoot, but that contained several small villages under the protection of the king. As news of the vein spread people flocked to the area which caused problems with the nearby Bearfoot villages. These problems eventually grew until the Curio Massacre. 
-Curio was a merchant of ill-repute who controlled most of Village of Asento where most of the mining was taking place. Always ready for a fight Curio hired a company of mercenaries to clean out the natives in the area. These mercenaries burned the Bearfoot villages, putting everyone to the sword. When the tribal elders heard about this they gathered their warriors and attacked Asento. After killing everyone in Asento, the warriors continued to each of the other villages killing everyone they found within their walls. 
-When the king learned of his he summoned Nikoli Palmaris, a trusted adviser and companion from his second war against the Bearfoot. Nikoli would gather his army at Ithaca, while the king commanded his army in the west. Nikoli would attack the Bearfoot to draw in their warriors, while the king moved to secure the Yemi Valley - Nikoli accomplished his objectives and more. Under his command he not only drew off the strength of the Bearfoot, but in fact he secured lands all the way to the Tibbs River. As the king claimed control over the Yemi Valley, Nikoli claimed sovereignty over the Tibbs valley in the name of the king. Given this opportunity the king pushed his forces south to take control of the Tibbs valley in the west as well. 
-For the next five years Nikoli commanded all of the king's forces between the Ivir and Tibbs rivers. He built several keeps along the Tibbs, including a stout keep where he kept most of his soldiers. The Bearfoot tried to drive him back several times, but Nikoli proved far too skilled for them to dislodge. In the end the Bearfoot agreed to retreat south of the Tibbs, granting the king control over all lands north of the Tibbs River. In gratitude the king granted Nikoli the title of Earl along with lands around the keep where his soldiers were housed, which was now called [[Palmaris]]. 
-===== Geography ===== 
-==== Environment ==== 
-=== Sif Forest === 
-This large forest dominates the center of King Eleleno'​s land &mdash; and while he lays claim to it, the elves who live there have kept his people out. After a two seasons trying to take the forest by force the King and Úrien, who spoke for the elves, came to a peace agreement. The King's subjects are able to timber the forest in peace, but only those trees marked by the elves. The elves can live in the lands outside of the forest, but they would then be subject to the King's law. This arrangement has survived the past 15 years< 
-=== Whitestone Keep === 
-This ancient keep was destroyed long before Eleleno the Lion came to claim the land. When his scouts found the old castle he intended to repair it for his own fief; however, when his people began disappearing each night it seemed best to leave this evil place. The keep itself is still mostly intact; although the outer wall is cracked and the gatehouse mostly destroyed. There is little left of the inner buildings save for the few walls made from stone. The paved walkways have been torn up as if by a giant hand thrusting from the earth towards the sky. The Keep got its name from the white and gold marble used in its construction,​ which has weathered the years poorly because no vegatation grows on the outside to protect it from the winds blowing through the area. In fact, there is no vegatation anywhere within a stone'​s throw of the keep or its outer walls. 
-=== Hangman'​s Wood === 
-Named for the heavy moss and vines that hang from the trees, this forest is now more dead that alive from whatever plague is eating at the trees. The local elves are at a loss for what happened, but they caution against entering the forest for fear of awakening the dark spirits that inhabit the area. 
-==== Holdings ==== 
-[[atlas:​Elelenii]] - the largest city in Eleleno. 
-[[atlas:​Ilandar]] - one of the more stable and peaceful areas of Eleleno. 
-[[atlas:​Agrinna]] - Built on the far western border this village maintains their stout wooden wall against incursions from the myraid of Pah tribes. ​ 
-[[atlas:​Anilia]] - a newly settled area with very small villages. 
-[[atlas:​Caroldo]] - Caroldo is known as the vineyards of Selcar. Its grapes are famous throughout the Realms. 
-[[atlas:​Ealth]] - Most of the region'​s peat is harvested here. 
-[[atlas:​Estina]] -  
-[[atlas:​Lunesta]] - For reasons not understood by any, the elves allow the people of Gholwood to timber select trees from the Sif Forest. 
-[[atlas:​Matteo]] -  
-[[atlas:​Palmaris]] - Palmaris is the the largest independent baronies in Eleleno. It sits astride the Ithara River, which is barely fordable under even the best conditions. ​ 
-[[atlas:​Tanzo]] - Tanzo is a small, poor holding in the southern area of Eleleno. Lord Tanzo, while a fine and able warrior, is not all that adept at managing an estate. The town is known for its malts, but little else.  
-[[atlas:​Tossare]] - 
-[[atlas:​Warshire]] - 
-===== Government ===== 
-The feudal structure of Eleleno was modeled after the early [[Irillian Kingdom]]. The royal government of Eleleno is an extension of the royal household and many of its members travel with the king. The monarch appoints all senior and most minor members of the bureaucracy. Each department head is responsible for choosing their own subordinates. Sheriffs are the king's agents within the shires answerable to the Exchequer for financial and the Chamberlain for judicial matters. Each sheriff holds a royal stronghold for the king. 
-==== bureaucracy ==== 
-=== The Chamber === 
-  * Lord High Chamberlain (Sir Giovanni Tavella) 
-    * Seneschal of the Chamber 
-      * Royal Chef 
-      * Master of the Cellar 
-    * Serolan Royal 
-    * Astrologer 
-    * Royal Physician 
-      * Deputy Physicians 
-    * Master of the Hunt 
-      * Falconer Royal 
-      * Master of the Hounds 
-    * Bard of the Chamber 
-    * The King's Fool 
-=== The Chancery === 
-  * Chancellor of Eleleno 
-    * Lord Privy Seal 
-      * Keeper of the Rolls 
-      * Chancery Clerks 
-    * Lord Advocate 
-      * Chancery Advocates 
-    * Inquisitor General 
-      * Royal Agents 
-      * Executioners 
-=== The Exchequer === 
-  * Chancellor of the Exchequer 
-  * Lord Marshall of Eleleno 
-==== Sub-Divisions ==== 
-^ Shire  ^ Hundred ​ ^ Hundred Moot  ^ Market ​ ^ 
-==== Foreign Relations ==== 
-=== Irill === 
-//See also: [[Irill]]// 
-==== Military ==== 
-^ Fief  ^ Type  ^ Holder ​ ^ Vassal Manors ^ Households ^ Hectares ^ 
-===== Economy ===== 
-===== Demographics ===== 
-==== Language ==== 
-==== Religion ==== 
-There is no official religion or even any attempt to organize one. The masters of the university allow freedom of the people to worship who or whatever they so desire. 
-==== Magic ==== 
-===== Culture ===== 
-{{tag>​nation western_realms miran}}